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Press Release

For Immediate Release
July 31, 2002

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

The Federal Bureau of Investigation today announced the appointment of the following individuals to key posts in the Records Management Division:

Marie B. Allen, Chief, Records Maintenance & Disposition Section, Records Management Division: Mrs. Allen served as Director of the Life Cycle Management Division of NARA, with oversight responsibilities for records disposition activities throughout the United States government. Mrs. Allen directed a staff of 50 professional archivists and records managers tasked with reviewing all records retention schedules submitted by agencies of the federal government; negotiating necessary changes to schedules with submitting agencies; conducting a records management training program including 14 different types of classes and two annual conferences; conducting inspections, evaluations and assessments of the records programs of federal agencies; organizing and administering a targeted assistance program providing records assistance to agencies; and investigating allegations of unauthorized destruction or removal of federal records. Under Mrs. Allens's direction, the Life Cycle Management Division reorganized into self-directed teams, eliminated a processing backlog, reduced the processing time for records schedules, and doubled the attendance at annual records conferences.

David M. Hardy, Chief, Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Section, Records Management Division: Mr. Hardy served as the Assistant Judge Advocate General of the Navy for Civil Law. In this role he was Commanding Officer for the largest command in the Navy JAG Corps and for the legal analysis and policy development of all civil law matters within the cognizance of the Navy Judge Advocate General. These responsibilities included the processing of numerous FOIPA requests, Navy requests, Navy FOIPA appeals, and support of Navy FOIPA litigation in federal courts. Mr. Hardy began his 30 years of naval service as a surface warfare officer on a frigate. After graduation from law school and transfer to the judge Advocate General Corps, he served as a prosecutor and then in numerous posts of increasing responsibilities. These included legal advisor to the Commander U.S. Sixth Fleet, Commander-in-Chief for U.S. Naval Forces Europe, and the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. He also served as the Special Assistant for Ocean Law and Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Michael L. Miller, Chief, Records Review & Dissemination Section, Records Management Division: Dr. Miller served as the Director of the Modern Records Program at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, where he teaches classes on electronic records and records management. NARA's Modern Records Program oversees all aspects of records management in the federal sector, including the development, implementation, and evaluation of records management requirements followed by federal agencies. Dr. Miller was responsible for establishing program direction and goals, monitoring progress, developing appropriate evaluation and monitoring systems, resolving policy issues, and representing NARA's position on all aspect of federal records management. Dr. Miller's 25 year records management career includes eight years of experience working in the federal textual archives at NARA; two years managing archival electronic records; four years in records scheduling and appraisal, records management training, and assistance to federal agencies; six years at the Environmental Protection Agency where he served as the Agency Records Officer; and more than five years as a program manager for NARA's program to lead records management in the federal government.
