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Press Release

For Immediate Release
October 15, 2002

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller today made the following statement:

Tragically, a member of the FBI family last night became the latest victim of the Washington, DC, area sniper killer. Linda Franklin, age 47, was an Intelligence Operations Specialist in the Cyber Division at Headquarters, and had worked for the FBI for three-and-a-half years.

Linda was a dedicated employee, and she will be missed. I know I speak for all of the FBI when I say that our thoughts and prayers go out to Linda's husband William, her two adult children, and her family and friends. The employees who worked with Linda -- and all of us -- are deeply shocked and angry over this tragedy.

An intensive, joint local, state, and federal investigation continues on many fronts to identify and track down the person responsible for these cold-blooded killings. The FBI is putting extraordinary resources into the effort. Currently, we have nearly 400 Agents assigned to this investigation, including teams of new Agents in training who are working the toll-free hotline.

I am confident that our investigative team will find the killer and stop the senseless murders that have devastated the families of eleven victims and paralyzed the Washington area with fear.


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