
EDL (search)

Entry, Descent and Landing

EOS (search)

Earth Observing System

EOSDIS (search)

EOS Data and Information System

EPA (search)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPO (search)

Education and Public Outreach

EPO (search)

Education and Public Outreach. See Opportunities in Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach.

  • Education and Public Outreach (search)
ESA (search)

European Space Agency

ESIP (search)

Federation of Earth Science Information Partners

ESMD (search)

Exploration Systems Mission Directorate

ESSP (search)

Earth System Science Pathfinder

ESTO (search)

From instruments to data access, the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) develops technologies that enable a full range of scientific measurements, operational requirements, and practical applications that benefit society at large.

  • Earth Science Technology Office (search)
Echo Sounders (search)
Devices that use sound waves to measure the depth of surface water bodies.

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El Nino (search)
Warm-water conditions off the western tropical coasts of the Americas, occurring irregularly but usually around Christmastime, caused by weakening trade winds and causing depleted fisheries, heavier-than-normal rain in the central and eastern Pacific, and drought in the western Pacific.

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Ephemeris (search)
An ephemeris is a tabulation of computed positions and velocities (and/or various derived quantities such as right ascension and declination) of an orbiting body at specific times. The plural form of ephemeris is ephemerides. In the context of this web-site, solar system bodies are implied.

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ecosystems (search)
the complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit

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emissions (search)
The production of light, or more generally, electromagnetic radiation by an atom or other object.

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equilibrium (search)

the state where conditions in a fluid are uniform or changing only slowly

extra solar planets (search)
Planets around stars other than the Sun.

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  • Extra solar planets (search)