Reach Out!

Use the information in Read Up! How to be an Informed Consumer to help others become informed consumers. To get the word out, you can:

Educate Your Community

Whether your organization's focus is related to health issues, economic development, or family services, consumer education can complement your existing programs. Issues related to managing finances, establishing and using credit, protecting personal information, recognizing false advertising claims, and reducing unwanted telemarketing calls are topics of general consumer interest. Those you reach will get a better understanding of their consumer rights and how to complain about misleading or deceptive business practices. They will appreciate your leadership and effort.

You can include consumer education messages in your existing programs in many ways.

Create Partnerships

Community organizations often work together to bring assistance to the communities they serve. By sharing resources and partnering, organizations can reach more people than one organization working alone.

Create a Calendar of Events

Seasonal events and holiday celebrations present opportunities to talk about consumer issues relevant to the current season. Here are ideas for consumer education topics you can talk about each month.