U.S. Office of Personnel Management . . . .

Booklet 76-21, For Current Employees

The FEGLI Booklet (RI 76-21) has been revised. The new version is dated June 1998. The previous version (April 1995) is no longer usable.

The focus of this new version of the FEGLI Booklet is different from previous editions. The Booklet is now intended as a general introduction to the FEGLI Program, geared toward new employees. Much of the detailed information contained in previous versions of the Booklet has been removed. The definitive guide to the FEGLI Program for agencies and all employees is now the FEGLI Handbook (RI 76-26).

Agencies must provide hard copies of the FEGLI Booklet to new employees and employees newly eligible for coverage under the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program. (This is a change from past practice; in 1995, we required agencies to provide Booklets to all employees.)


Updated 30 December 1999