U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Criminal Justice Information Services Division

The Law Enforcement National Data Exchange

“The IACP, MCC, NSA, and MSCSA have made clear their position on the need for a ‘locally designed and nationally coordinated homeland security strategy.’ One of the key components… is the ability of law enforcement to share information across local, tribal, regional, state, and federal lines. It is in the best interest of our law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve that a coordinated program succeed in its pursuit of national information sharing. However, it will be achieved only with the voluntary participation of local, tribal, regional, state, and federal LEA’s.”

- from a position paper by the four major police associations

What is N-DEx?
N-DEx is a powerful automated investigative tool that will provide LEA’s with the ability to search, link, analyze, and share criminal justice information such as, incident/case reports, incarceration data, and parole/probation data on a national basis to a degree never before possible.

What’s in it for me?

Investigative Use

Tactical Use

Strategic Use

N-DEx Vision

To enable the sharing of complete, accurate, timely, and useful information across jurisdictional boundaries and to provide new investigative tools that enhance the nation’s ability to fight crime and terrorism.

“Accessible from your computer via the Internet”

Law Enforcement Perspective

“Form chat groups for investigations”

N-DEx Strategic Theme and Goal

National Information Sharing:

To ensure that the N-DEx Program and System expand information access and sharing at local, state, tribal, federal, regional, and national levels to enhance stakeholders’ ability to combat crime and terrorism.

Data types to be included in N-DEx:

Requirements for N-DEx Participation

Who can participate?
Any Law Enforcement agency can participate.

What are the requirements?
Agencies must adhere to national standards for efficient sharing of data.

When can I start?
Contact the N-DEx program office to develop a strategy for participation.

How will it work?
Agencies will:

Why are participation requirements important?
To provide criminal justice agencies with data standards and suggestions for participation in the N-DEx program.

Where do I begin?
The N-DEx IEPD can be downloaded at www.it.ojp.gov.


N-DEx Governance

Guiding Principle:

N-DEx governance and policies are managed and developed cooperatively with the law enforcement community; they are not mandated by the federal government.

N-DEx is an information system administered by the FBI’s CJIS Division. CJIS employs a shared management philosophy for the development and operation of N-DEx through collaboration with:

Diagram of CJIS management philosophy for development and operation of N-DEx through collaboration with different groups


* - The APB is comprised of local, state, and federal law enforcement.

Oversight, Monitoring, and Reporting: Internal and External

The N-DEx Program Office will prepare and deliver reports and briefings to numerous entities internal and external to the FBI throughout the lifespan of the N-DEx Program. These reports and briefings shall be prepared by the N-DEx Program Management Office staff, coordinated by the N-DEx Program Manager and approved by the N-DEx Program Manager. The known entities that will oversee and monitor the N-DEx Program include, but are not limited to:


- FBI Director
- Criminal Justice Information Services Division Assistant Director
- N-DEx Change Management Board
- Office of the Chief Information Officer (FBI)
- Office of Information Technology Policy and Planning
- Information Systems Technology Development/Chief Technology Officer
- Technical Review Board
- Finance Division
- The N-DEx Contracting Officer
- Security Division
- Contract Review Board
- The N-DEx Independent Verification and Validation Agent
- FBI Information Technology Advisory Board


- Office of Management and Budget
- Office of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Justice (DOJ)
- Office of General Counsel (DOJ)
- Information Sharing Subcommittee
- Regional Working Group
- Department Investment Review Board
- Justice Intelligence Coordinating Council

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

The N-DEx Program Office developed a PIA as required by the E-Government Act of 2002 to specifically address the N-DEx compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974.

The PIA assesses the N-DEx system from a privacy perspective, to include:

Other N-DEx Data/Privacy Considerations

N-DEx has developed highly configurable tools that will allow data contributors to comply with and execute their own privacy laws, policies, and practices.

Data contributors maintain control and disposition of the data they contribute; this includes their responsibility to maintain accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and relevance of the information they contribute to N-DEx.

The N-DEx PIA is now online at the following address: http://foia.fbi.gov/piandex040607.htm

N-DEx Timeline

Operational March 19, 2008

Increment I – Initial Deployment

Summer 2009

Increment II – Second Deployment

Increment I – O & M

Summer 2010

Increment III – FOC

Increment II – O & M

E-mail: ndex@leo.gov Phone: (304) 625-4219


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