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Global Browse Image Gallery

The images in this gallery are created from version 4 Level-1B radiances data collected daily by the AIRS instrument on the Aqua satellite, between 2/2004 and 8/2007. A new gallery page is under development which will relpace this gallery page at a future date.

Same types of global browse images are now also created using Near-Real-Time data. Once an AIRS Level-1B IR (AIRIBRAD) or Vis/NIR (AIRVBRAD) product file is created at GES DISC facility, it will be plotted within an hour. The NRT global browse images are available through FTP site:

For more information, please contact help-disc@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov or visit our AIRS Data Information page. Aqua Orbit Tracks are available from the University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC.

How are these images created?

Please click on the links below to see the images for that month.

2004 2005 2006 2007

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  • Last updated: March 28, 2008 05:04:13 GMT