BSAF Database Descriptive Statistics

Data from the ERDC-WES BSAF Database

These data represent a subset of the BSAF database. Only records with a valid mean, (n) and a calculated error were used for the generation of this table. Individual records that did not provide a mean are NOT used. (Additional Information)

BSAF Database Descriptive Statistics
Group Description Grand Mean (n) RMSE Range Min Max
01.) All BSAFs in Database 2.174 938 5.726 41.471 0.000 41.471
02.) All Field Studies 2.877 435 7.230 41.471 0.000 41.471
03.) All Lab Studies 1.113 503 0.903 33.897 0.003 33.900
04.) All Benthic* Field 2.096 202 2.313 41.469 0.002 41.471
05.) All Benthic* Lab 0.854 323 0.848 4.787 0.003 4.790
06.) All PCB Benthic* Field 2.389 31 1.885 6.390 0.077 6.467
07.) All PCB Benthic* Lab 1.282 160 1.063 4.750 0.040 4.790
08.) All Pesticide Benthic* Field 4.952 57 3.795 41.351 0.120 41.471
09.) All Pesticide moll/poly** Field 1.286 52 1.137 6.710 0.120 6.830
10.) All PCDD/F Benthic* Field 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10.) All PCDD/F Benthic* Lab 0.588 4 0.166 0.650 0.250 0.900
11.) All PCDD/F moll/poly** Field 0.588 4 0.166 0.650 0.250 0.900
12.) All PAH Benthic* Lab 0.257 133 0.526 3.767 0.003 3.770
13.) All PAH Benthic* Lab 0.257 133 0.526 3.767 0.003 3.770
14.) All PAH moll/poly** Field 0.266 244 0.510 3.768 0.002 3.770
15.) All Terrestrial 0.097 2 0.056 0.056 0.070 0.125
16.) All Freshwater moll/poly** Field 2.078 27 2.763 8.780 0.020 8.800
17.) All Freshwater moll/poly** Lab 1.612 140 0.665 5.210 0.090 5.300

benthic* = "benthicaly-coupled". This groups invertebrates and bottom-feeding fish using whole organism, muscle, or filet values only
moll/poly** refers to molluscs and polychaetes grouped together

Explanations of the column headers:

Group Description = Type of organisms grouped together for calculations (See below), Grand Mean = Mean BSAF calculation of a group of means, n = number of records used for calculation, RMSE = Root Mean Square Error of the Grand Mean, Range = Range of means for these data, Max = Maximum mean value for these data, Min = Minimum mean value for these data,

Explanation of Group Descriptions:
01.) All mean BSAF data for every organism/tissue/habitat.
02.) All mean BSAF data for every organism/tissue/habitat collected during field studies.
03.) All mean BSAF data for every organism/tissue/habitat collected during laboratory studies.
04.) BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
05.) All BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from laboratory studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
06.) PCB BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
07.) All PCB BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from laboratory studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
08.) Pesticide BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
09.) Pesticide BSAFs for molluscs and polychaetes from field studies.
10.) Dioxin/Furan BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
10.) Dioxin/Furan BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and fish and invertebrates from laboratory studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
11.) Dioxin/Furan BSAFs for molluscs and polychaetes from field studies.
12.) PAH BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
13.) PAH BSAFs for bottom dwelling fish and invertebrates from laboratory studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
14.) All field study PAH BSAFs for molluscs and polychaetes.
15.) All terrestrial organisms, all chemicals and tissues
16.) BSAFs for molluscs and polychaetes from freshwater field studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.
17.) BSAFs for molluscs and polychaetes from freshwater laboratory studies. Only whole organism, muscle or filet tissues were used.

These data have been compiled by personnel of The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Laboratory (CEERD-EP-R). It is strongly suggested that users verify that the displayed data are appropriate for their use before basing any decisions on them.

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These Data/Statistics were last updated on April 22, 2008

Please contact Charlie Lutz with problems, suggestions, additions, etc. --- Send E-mail