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Find out what RXTE has discovered about the high energy universe! This page contains science highlights of the RXTE mission. Check back frequently for the latest info from RXTE.

Powerful Explosions Suggest Neutron Star Missing Link Researcher Fotis Gavriil used RXTE to make an incredible discovery: "We are watching one type of neutron star literally change into another right before our very eyes. This is a long-sought missing link between different types of pulsars." [NASA Feature Article] artist rendering of a magnetar - the wispy filaments depict the intense magentic field
surrounding the magnetar
RXTE Sees Superburst Effect Accretion Disk in Real Time RXTE observations of a superburst halfway across the galaxy provide scientists with their first-ever look at the moment-to-moment changes the burst inflicted on the nearby accretion disk. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] computer simulation of superburst
The Missing Link is Found The first confirmed millisecond pulsar to be found in an accreting binary star system. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] binary system
Starquake May Reveal Inside of a Neutron Star A detailed look at data from SGR 1806-20, an unprecedented neutron star explosion, may reveal what's inside a neutron star, a major mystery in astronomy, scientists say. [Sci/Tech Audiences] computer graphic of magnetar with field lines visible
Fastest Periodic Signals in Astronomy. RXTE uses its high timing capability to study kilohertz quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs), and learn more about the properties of neutron stars. [General Audiences] [Sci/Tech Audiences] small khz QPO
NGC 3516: Stretching the limits of our knowledge of the variability of AGN. R. Edelson uses RXTE to probe the variability of a bright AGN on small and large time scales. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] plot of RXTE data
RXTE Observes Outbursts in Two Dwarf Novae. RXTE is utilized, along with optical and extreme- ultraviolet observations, to monitor outbursts in the two brightest dwarf novae in the sky - SS Cygni and U Geminorum. [Sci/Tech Audiences] Two Dwarf Novae Light Curve
Caught in the Act! Coel Hellier and coworkers catch a cataclysmic variable in outburst. [Sci/Tech Audiences] cataclysmic variable outburst
Fast Young Rotation Powered Pulsar Detected in the LMC 16ms Pulsar discovered in SNR N157B. ASCA data assist to constrain the age of the pulsar and its initial spin period. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] LMC image
Public Outbursts Public Observations of the Bursting Pulsar GRO J1744-28 reveal an object that exibits a variety of time variability. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] Pulsar light curve
Long Term Variability in the Enigmatic Star Eta Carina Mike Corcoran and co-workers continue their long term monitoring of this extremely massive star, which reveals tantalizing clues about its nature. [Sci/Tech Audiences] Star Eta carina
Soft Gamma Repeater found to be an X-ray Pulsar Pulsation period and derivative suggest spindown due to strong magnetic field. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] X-ray Pulsar
Simultaneous UV/X-ray monitoring of AGN Paul Nandra compares the results of a month-long RXTE monitoring campaign with simultaneous IUE observations, with consequences for models of the continuum emission of AGN. [Sci/Tech Audiences] RXTE LC
Pulsars in the SMC: near SMC X-3. Jim Lochner and RXTE staff memebers uncover a plethora of transient pulsars. (March 1998) [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] Pulsars in the SMC
Absorption Dips in GRO J1655-40. E. Kuulkers investigates properties of intensity dips in a black-hole candidate X-ray binary. [General Audience] [Sci/Tech Audience] X-ray Binary

Old Faithful Video!

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This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Tuesday, 11-Mar-2008 16:12:32 EDT.

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RXTE Project Scientist Jean Swank,
Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman
Web Page Representive: Terri Shaffer

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