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Chief Scientist's Honor Roll: Soil Moisture and Temperature

Data must be reported for:
  1. Gravimetric soil moisture for any of the sampling styles for at least 4 times during the previous 4 months OR Gravimetric soil moisture for any of the sampling styles for at least 12 times during the previous year OR Gypsum block soil moisture for at least 3 depths for at least 70% of the days in the previous 4 months and a current calibration file must have been provided to GLOBE
  2. Infiltration at least once during the previous 4 months
  3. Diurnal temperature sampling (on two consecutive days, at least five times each day) at least once during the previous 4 months, AND
  4. Temperature at two depths for at least 12 of the previous 17 weeks OR every week but one when the ground was not frozen.
The following schools qualified for the time period of December, 2008 - March, 2009

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