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Chief Scientist's Honor Roll: Earth System Science

Reporting data for any one of the following combinations:
  1. For 70% of the days during the last 4 months: maximum and minimum air temperature, water temperature, AND soil temperature at two depths; AND at least once during the last 4 months a diurnal cycle of soil temperature including at least 5 measurements on each of two consecutive days;
  2. During the last 4 months: pH of surface water at least 8 times AND pH of at least 80% of precipitation accumulations above a trace; AND during the last year: soil pH for at least 4 different soil horizons;
  3. During the last 4 months: nitrate of surface water at least 8 times; AND during the last year: NPK of soil for at least 4 different soil horizons AND either grassland biomass for two sites or tree height and circumference measurements for at least two site visits to forests or woodlands;
  4. During the last 4 months: transparency of surface water at least 8 times AND cloud cover on at least 70% of the days; AND during the last year: canopy cover measurements for at least two land cover sites;
  5. During the last year: budburst on at least 4 branches AND maximum and minimum temperature covering at least 25 of the preceding 30 days AND liquid precipitation or snow and snow pack rain equivalent cover covering all of the preceding 30 days.
  6. During the last 12 months: Lilac data for two plants OR Green-up and Green-down data for one species AND maximim and minimun temperature for 70% of the days AND precipitation rain or rain equivalent covering 95% of the days from 30 days prior to the first reported date until the last reported date.

The following schools qualified for the time period of February, 2008 - January, 2009

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