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Utilizing ARK, the Astrophysics Research Knowledgebase, a service of NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, RPS provides a facility for filling out the Request for Observation form for RXTE Targets of Opportunity (TOOs). Electronic submission of the form is required.

In order to access the RXTE TOO request web form, you must first create an ARK account and/or join the XTETOO group.

If you already have an ARK account, login first and select "Join Group" from the menu next to "RXTE Target of Opportunity RPS (XTETOO)" and then click on the Submit Changes button.

If you do not already have an ARK account, enter your e-mail address in the input field provided and click on the check box next to "RXTE Target of Opportunity Request for Observation (XTETOO)" and then click on the Join ARK button. Check your e-mail and click on the activation code found therein. Fill out the ARK registration form and submit.

Next, proceed to the RXTE Target of Opportunity Request for Observation web form and fill out the form as directed below. Click the Verify button to make sure you have entered the form information correctly. Once the form verifies successfully, a Submit button will appear, allowing you to you to submit the proposal to RPS.

After clicking on the Submit button, go to your Recent Activity page. Summary information for the proposal that you just submitted should be listed here. If it is, then you have successfully completed the submission of your RXTE TOO request.

Note: After submission, ARK has the capability to Modify or Discard proposals using the appropriate buttons on the Recent Activity page. However, you should be aware that discarding your RXTE TOO proposal in ARK really has no effect. In order for the TOO requests to be responded to in a timely fashion, the TOO request is sent to the RXTE Science Operations Facility (SOF) immediately upon submission. Similarly, modifying your TOO proposal in ARK does not modify the TOO request in the RXTE SOF system. Indeed, modifying an already submitted proposal in ARK will actually result in sending an additional request to the RXTE SOF. Any modifications to a TOO request should be communicated directly to one of the RXTE Help Desks.

Additional information on how to use RPS and the answers to some frequently asked questions can be found on the RPS Quick Help page.

Short descriptions of the forms and fields are below. The fields are listed in the same order as found on the web page. The labels for the fields in the web form will link to the appropriate field description below.

Request Form

The form contains fields for specifying the type of request, the justification for the TOO, its urgency, etc.

TOO Request Type

Specify whether the request is for a "New Target of Opportunity" or a "Target from an Accepted Proposal." Required.

Subject Category

The type of objects(s) to be viewed in the proposal. Required. Specify one of the following categories:

Proposal Title

The title of the proposal (up to 120 characters). Required.

Scientific Justification

1000 characters maximum.. Please provide a compelling scientific case why XTE should interrupt its NRA-approved activities to observe this TOO. Required.

Justification for this Particular TOO

500 characters maximum. Even though the NRA peer review may have approved the scientific objectives and observing plan of the proposal, the TOO itself must also be justified. Please state why this particular TOO should be observed, i.e., why it is a good example of the phenomena addressed in the proposal. Required.

Transient Behavior Likelihood, Duration, and Recurrence

500 characters maximum. Please provide estimates of a) how likely it will be that XTE will observe the transient behavior;
b) the duration of the transient behavior;
c) its likelihood of recurrence. Required.

Urgency of TOO

500 characters maximum. Please state the urgency of observing the TOO. Should it be observed as soon as possible, or in, say ten days' time? The RXTE team, upon receipt of an RFO, will make the decision whether or not to observe the target. Agreement results in implementation, without further consultation with the PI; therefore, please make sure that your RFO includes all information required to actually plan and schedule the entire observation, as you may not have an opportunity for additional feedback or information before the observation occurs. Required.

Contact Form

The form contains fields for specifying who the RXTE team should contact (Principal Investigator and/or Lead Co-Investigator) and how.

Contact Lead Co-Investigator?

Flag indicating whether or not the lead Co-Investigator listed is also a contact person in cases where the Principal Investigator cannot be reached. The default is "No."

Co-Investigator First Name

The first name of the Lead Co-Investigator. Up to 30 characters.

Co-Investigator Last Name

The last name of the Lead Co-Investigator. Up to 30 characters.

Co-Investigator E-mail Address

The e-mail address for the Lead Co-Investigator. Up to 60 characters.

Co-Investigator Telephone Number

Telephone number of the Lead Co-Investigator that should be contacted. Up to 20 characters.

Principal Investigator Title

Your title (Dr., Ms., Mr., Prof.). The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

First Name

Your first name. Up to 30 characters are allowed. Required. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Middle Name or Initial

If you like, you may add your middle name or initial(s). Optional. Up to 30 characters are allowed. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Last Name

Your last name (surname). Up to 30 characters are allowed. Required. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.


The name of your department at your institution. Up to 60 characters are allowed. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.


Your institutional affiliation. Required. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Address 1

The first line of your institution's address, e.g., the street name, any number within it, etc. Up to 60 characters. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Address 2

The second line of your institution's address, if needed. Up to 60 characters. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to submission.


Your city or town. Up to 45 characters. Required. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.


The name of the state/province/prefecture in which your institution is located. Up to 30 characters. Required. For states in the U.S., please use USPS-standard, two-letter abbreviations. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Zip/Postal Code

The postal code, ZIP code, or equivalent of your institution. Up to 10 characters. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.


The name of the country in which your institution is located. Required. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission. If your country is not listed, please contact the RPS Help Desk.

Telephone Number

Your telephone number, plus any extension. Please include the international prefix if appropriate. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Fax Number

Your fax number, if available. 24 characters allowed. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

E-mail Address

Your e-mail address. Up to 60 characters. Required. An e-mail receipt will be sent to this address within 24 hours of the electronic submission of your proposal, if the e-mail receipt option is checked in your ARK user profile. The value for this field comes from your ARK user profile. If it is incorrect, update your ARK user profile prior to proposal submission.

Target Form

This form contains the details of how the Target of Opportunity should be observed.

If the Target of Opportunity is from an accepted NRA proposal, you only need to fill out the following two fields in this form:

Proposal #

The five-digit number assigned by the RXTE team to your proposal.

Target #

The one- or two-digit number of the target in the specified proposal.

Otherwise, if this is a request for a new TOO, leave the above two fields blank and fill out the remainder of this target form:

Target Name

The commonly accepted name for the object. Up to 20 characters. Required. Please use standard names for known targets (e.g., NGC 2237 or Eta Car).


The J2000 right ascension of the source. The standard format is HH MM SS.SS -- hours, minutes, seconds, separated by spaces. Optionally, it may be entered as degrees (DDD.DDDDDD), in which case it will be converted to sexagesimal during verification and submission. Required.


The J2000 declination of the source. The standard format is [+/-]DD MM SS.S -- degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds, separated by spaces ( # indicates an optional sign). Optionally, it may be entered as decimal degrees ([+/-]DD.DDDDDD), in which case it will be converted to sexagesimal during verification and submission. If no sign is given, it will be assumed to be positive. Required.

Total Observation Time

The preferred duration in kiloseconds of the observation. This is the total observation time, so for monitoring observations, this is the sum of all pointings. For example, for two observations of 40 ksec each, specify 80 ksec as the Total Observation Time and 2 for the Number of Observations. The minimum Total Observation Time for one target is 1 ksec. Required.

Scanning Observation?

Indicates that this is a scanning observation. Details of the observations should be entered into the Remarks fields.

Number of Observations

Number of observations of the target. This should be 1 unless constraints are specified. For monitoring observations this will give the number of parts into which the total exposure will be evenly divided. Targets that require uneven splitting (such as an initial long stare, followed by monthly short pointings) should fill out a separate target form for each part of the campaign (indicating in the Remarks that they are linked).

Number of Constraints

Number of constraints specified for a particular target.

Estimated PCA Minimum Counting Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec typical of the faint state of the source; optional; ignore if the source is steady.

Estimated PCA Maximum Counting Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec typical of the bright state of the source. Required. For steady sources, it is sufficient to use the sum of the mean count rates for each of the six PCA bands.

PCA Band 1 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 1. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

PCA Band 2 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 2. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

PCA Band 3 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 3. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

PCA Band 4 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 4. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

PCA Band 5 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 5. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

PCA Band 6 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 6. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

HEXTE Band 1 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 1. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

HEXTE Band 2 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 2. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

HEXTE Band 3 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 3. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

HEXTE Band 4 Mean Count Rate

Source count rate in counts/sec for band 4. The bands are defined in the output of PIMMS.

HEXTE Maximum Count Rate

Maximum source count rate in counts/sec. Required.

PCA/EDS Configurations

The particular configuration desired for the PCA data that will be processed by the EDS. The general format for, as an example, an event configuration is:
             X_NNuu_Ng_L_rr   example: E_2us_8A_0_8s
where X is the mode (B = binned, E = Event, SB = single bit, F = Fourier, etc.), NNuu = time resolution in microsec (us) or in millisec (ms), N = no. of channels and their grouping (g), L = low channel cutoff (most modes also have a high channel cutoff), rr = readout time (generally in seconds). Details for all configurations are available in Appendix F of the RXTE NRA. The software tool 'recommd' (Web interface or stand-alone code that you can download and compile from our anonymous FTP area) will provide guidance in specifying the PCA/EDS configuration. If you do not wish a configuration for a particular EA, then specify IDLE. No more than three IDLE configurations are allowed. Do not use NULL for a configuration. A listing of valid PCA/EDS configurations is also available.

Note: For all sources with total PCA count rates less than 1200 ct/s (including all extragalactic observations) and HEXTE count rates less than 80 ct/s, the SOC strongly recommends that proposers choose the following set of instrument configurations:

PCA EA3: GoodXenon1_2s
PCA EA4: GoodXenon2_2s
PCA EA5: Idle
PCA EA6: Idle

HEXTE Cluster A: E_8us_256_DX1f
HEXTE Cluster B: E_8us_256_DX1f

HEXTE Cluster A Mode

The particular configuration desired for the HEXTE data processing. The configuration string will resemble the PCA configuration string (as described above). Chapter 10 of Appendix F lists the available configurations. The software code 'HEXTEmporize' will provide some guidance in choosing an appropriate configuration based upon count rates in 4 spectral bands. 'HEXTEmporize', a small stand-alone program, is available from the HEASARC anonymous FTP account. Note that IDLE is no longer a valid HEXTE Cluster Mode.

HEXTE Cluster A Low Energy Bound

Low energy boundary in keV below which source counts will be ignored. Used to reduce the telemetry rate when softer photons are undesirable. Range: 10-30 keV in 1 keV steps. The default value for this field is DEFAULT. When DEFAULT is chosen by the proposer, the operations team will use the Instrument Team-specified default. The default values determined during IOC are: Low Energy Bound = 12 keV; Source Dwell Time = 16 sec; Switching Angle = +/- 1.5 degrees. These values are subject to change at the discretion of the HEXTE team. All proposers requesting "DEFAULT" will have the HEXTE team default values in effect at the time of their observation.

HEXTE Cluster A Source Dwell Time

This is the on-source exposure time. The choices are continuous stare, 16, 32, 64, and 128 seconds. The default value for this field is DEFAULT. (See description above.)

HEXTE Cluster A Switching Angle

The beam switch angle for the cluster. Choices are 0 degrees (stare), +1.5 degrees, -1.5 degrees, +3 degrees, -3 degrees, (all single-sided rocking), and +/-1.5 degrees and +/-3 degrees (both double-sided rocking). The default value for this field is DEFAULT. (See description above.)

HEXTE Cluster A Burst List

Range of options for the burst trigger setting. Choices are NO, EDS, OTHER, or INTERNAL. The default value for this field is NO.

HEXTE Cluster B Mode

The particular configuration desired for the HEXTE data processing. The configuration string will resemble the PCA configuration string (as described above). Chapter 10 of Appendix F lists the available configurations. The software code 'HEXTEmporize' will provide some guidance in choosing an appropriate configuration based upon count rates in 4 spectral bands. 'HEXTEmporize', a small stand-alone program, is available from the HEASARC anonymous FTP account. Note that IDLE is no longer a valid HEXTE Cluster Mode.

HEXTE Cluster B Low Energy Bound

Low energy boundary in keV below which source counts will be ignored. Used to reduce the telemetry rate when softer photons are undesirable. Range: 10-30 keV in 1 keV steps. The default value for this field is DEFAULT. (See description above.)

HEXTE Cluster B Source Dwell Time

This is the on-source exposure time. The choices are continuous stare, 16, 32, 64, and 128 seconds. The default value for this field is DEFAULT. (See description above.)

HEXTE Cluster B Switching Angle

The beam switch angle for the cluster. Choices are 0 degrees (stare), +1.5 degrees, -1.5 degrees, +3 degrees, -3 degrees, (all single-sided rocking), and +/-1.5 degrees and +/-3 degrees (both double-sided rocking). The default value for this field is DEFAULT. (See description above.)

HEXTE Cluster B Burst List

Range of options for the burst trigger setting. Choices are NO, EDS, OTHER, or INTERNAL. The default value for this field is NO.


Any relevant comments you wish to make regarding the target and the observation mode. Up to 500 characters.

Observation Constraints

This section contains the details for any time-critical observation. The following types of constraint are possible:
	Coordinated:		In a fixed time-window
	Time of Day:		At a fixed time of day
	Monitoring: 		Samples at a given interval
	Phase dependent:	Samples at a given phase
        Contiguous:             Not split into many slots
	Target of Opportunity:  TOO triggered by ASM Count Rate
	Other TOO:		TOO triggered by other observations

Co-ordinated Observation?

Indicates if the observation is linked with other simultaneous observations. If the exact co-ordinated times are known, choose Y. Choose U if the observation is to be co-ordinated, but the time is still unknown. If Y is chosen, the start and end times must be given in UT (year, month, day, hour, minute). See the AO document for the anticipated dates for the AO period. The default is no.

Co-ordinated Observation Special Handling?

Up to 4 coordinated observations per month, chosen by the peer review panel, will be accepted with the GO's request for special handling. For these observations, the SOC will accommodate changes in the requested time of the observation up to 60 days prior to the start of the coordinated observation. The proposer may elect to place the proposed observation in this category; the appropriateness of the "special handling" flag will be reviewed during the proposal selection process. The default is no.

Co-ordinated Observation Start Year

The year to start in for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Start Month

The month to start during for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Start Day

The day to start on for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Start Hour

The hour to start at for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Start Minute

The minute to start at for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Stop Year

The year to end in for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Stop Month

The month to end in for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Stop Day

The day to end on for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Stop Hour

The hour to end for time-critical observations.

Co-ordinated Observation Stop Minute

The minute to end for time-critical observations.

Time of Day Constraints?

Indicates that the observation is linked with other simultaneous observations, making the exact time of day of the observation important. The start and end times must be given in UT (hour, minute). The default is no.

Time of Day Start Hour

The hour to start for time-critical observations.

Time of Day Start Minute

The minute to start for time-critical observations.

Time of Day Stop Hour

The hour to stop for time-critical observations.

Time of Day Stop Minute

The minute to stop for time-critical observations.

Monitoring Observation

Indicates whether the observation is to be made in several parts at fixed intervals but with no fixed starting time. The number of parts is specified in the "Number of Observations" field. The default is no.

Minimum Interval Between Observations

The desired minimum time interval between monitoring observations, in kiloseconds.

Maximum Interval Between Observations

The desired maximum time interval between monitoring observations, in kiloseconds.

Phase Dependent Observation

Indicates that the observation is to be spread over a number of intervals with a fixed interval between them and a given reference date. The Epoch is the reference date given in MJD and the Period is the orbital period of the source in days. The Minimum (Start) and Maximum (End) Phase are the minimum and maximum orbital phase. The default is no.

Phase Dependent Epoch

For phase dependent observations, the reference date in Modified Julian Day (MJD) number format. The observations will be made at an integral number of Periods from this date.

Phase Dependent Period

The period for the ephemeris, in days.

Minimum (Start) Phase

Minimum or starting orbital phase to be observed. Values must be between 0 and 1.

Maximum (End) Phase

Maximum or ending orbital phase to be observed. Values must be between 0 and 1.

Second Phase Dependent Epoch

For phase dependent observations, the reference date (MJD) of the second phase.

Second Phase Dependent Period

The period for the ephemeris, in days.

Second Minimum (Start) Phase

Second phase at which an observation should begin. Values must be between 0 and 1.

Second Maximum (End) Phase

Second phase at which an observation should end. Values must be between 0 and 1.

Uninterrupted Observation

Used to indicate that the observation should be uninterrupted for the minimum time specified. The default is no.

Minimum Constant Pointing Direction Time

The minimum desired time, in kiloseconds, that RXTE must be locked on target, without slewing to another source, but still allowing interruptions for occultations, SAA passage, etc.

Minimum Continuous Viewing Zone Time

The minimum desired time, in kiloseconds, for a good time interval before the next orbital event (occultation or SAA).

Minimum ASM Count Rate to Trigger TOO

The All-Sky Monitor (ASM) count rate above which will trigger the TOO observation.

Maximum ASM Count Rate to Trigger TOO

The All-Sky Monitor (ASM) count rate below which will trigger the TOO observation.

TOO Triggered by Optical/Other Observation

Used to indicate that this is a TOO triggered by other observation(s). The default is no.