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Major Executive Speeches

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Photograph of Robert S. Mueller, III

Robert S. Mueller, III
Federal Bureau of Investigation

President Barack Obama’s Visit to FBI Headquarters Washington, D.C.

April 28, 2009

Good morning to all of you, and especially to our guest, President Barack Obama. Mr. President, on behalf of every FBI employee, it is my privilege to welcome you to the FBI.

Before we begin, we would like to present you with several special mementos to mark your first official visit to the FBI. And you should know that we are not above using this occasion for recruiting purposes. We are always looking for talented special agents.

You are a wee bit past our age limit. However, it is not too early for Sasha and Malia to start thinking about joining the FBI. And so we would like to send you home with two official Bureau teddy bears for them. And maybe one day, they too, will pass through this courtyard.

Mr. President, on Inauguration Day, we were all honored that you stepped out of the motorcade right here in front of FBI Headquarters to walk past our house on the way to your house. We are just as honored to have you with us today.

This may not be the most beautiful building in Washington, but it is one of the most important. It is the hub of the organization charged with protecting America from crime and terrorism, while also protecting the civil liberties we all cherish.

But though this may be the FBI’s Headquarters, there are thousands of FBI employees spread throughout the country and the world. Wherever they are stationed, they represent the FBI’s tradition of Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity. It is a tradition that goes back more than 100 years…to President Theodore Roosevelt.

Today, though, the FBI faces threats that are much more diverse and global. They range from terrorism to espionage and from public corruption to violent crime. Yet today’s FBI is uniquely equipped to address these challenges.

As threats continue to evolve, so too will the FBI. But what has never changed—and will never change—are our values.

For over 100 years, we have pledged to serve and protect our nation and to do so while upholding the rights and liberties guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution. To the men and women of the Bureau, Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity are more than just a motto. They are a way of life.

Mr. President, the men and women standing here today, and their colleagues throughout the world, share a dedication to defending freedom that is unparalleled. It is the history of the FBI. And it is also the future of the FBI.

We in the FBI appreciate the enormity of the task before you. We offer you our full support. And we will continue to do everything in our power to safeguard this nation.

Thank you again for coming here today. It is an honor to introduce to you the men and women of the FBI—just as it is now my honor to introduce you to them.

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.

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