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Major Executive Speeches

Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, FBI
Dedication of the Martha Dixon FBI Field Office
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 20, 2001

I'm honored to be with all of you today -- with Mayor Murphy; with Mr. Roddey and Mr. Matter; with the family of Special Agent Martha Dixon whom we honor today; with the former Director of the FBI and the dedicated men and women of our Pittsburgh field office; and with our many other special guests.

This is a proud moment for all of us the FBI. We are thrilled, of course, to have this new building. This is exactly the kind of state-of-the-art facility we need to do our jobs better -- to protect our cities, to fight terrorism, to support our partners in local law enforcement, and to handle the other responsibilities that are part and parcel of our mission. So my thanks to everyone in the Oxford Development Company and the city of Pittsburgh for making it reality. You've done a great job.

I also want to thank and congratulate our team of Special Agents and support staff here in Pittsburgh, led by the very capable and professional Jack Shea. Historically, you've been leaders. Over the years, you've pioneered the FBI's first high-tech computer crimes task force and one of our first fugitive task forces, both of which now stand as national models.

In just the eleven weeks I've been with the Bureau, I've seen you do some exceptional work. Your investigation of United Airlines Flight 93 was outstanding. So were your efforts to track down and arrest a number of individuals with fraudulent HazMat licenses. Now, with this new facility and with the new computer technologies that we plan to give you and other field offices in the not-too-distant future, I'm looking forward to seeing you shine even brighter in the weeks, months, and years to come.

I want to commend you for naming this building for a dedicated and courageous Agent -- Martha Dixon. I remember very clearly the day that Martha and two of her colleagues were lost. I was in D.C. at the time, and was deeply shocked and horrified that such a thing could happen. It made me sad and angry, but also proud that we have such brave men and women putting their lives on the line every day to protect our precious freedom. As it turns out, less than a year after that tragedy I took a job prosecuting homicide cases in the U.S. Attorney's Office in the District of Columbia. I found myself working closely with the same Cold Case Squad that Martha had been part of, the team of FBI Agents and DC police that investigates unsolved homicides. It's sad to think that I probably would have gotten to know Martha, Special Agent Mike Miller, and Police Sergeant Hank Daly had it not been for the events of November 22, 1994.

Little did I know then that we would be here today paying tribute to Martha and feeling her loss as much as ever. Martha was an outstanding Special Agent. She was smart, talented, and hardworking. She was SWAT certified and trained in electronic surveillance. She did exceptional work across a range of violent crime and drug investigations. And on that dark day seven years ago when she came face to face with danger, Martha was as strong and courageous as they come. She went down fighting, making the ultimate sacrifice to protect her partners in law enforcement. In both life and death, she epitomized the values that the FBI stands for -- fidelity, bravery, and integrity. She is a credit to this city, to the FBI, and to our nation. And we are honored that this facility now bears her name, an enduring monument to her legacy of service and sacrifice and an inspiration to us all.


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