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  Gregory Villar   Student of the Stars
A love of astronomy helped one college student set a course for a variety of science internships at JPL. (May 11)
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  Hubble Space Telescope   The Camera That Saved Hubble
Two of the unsung heros of NASA's Hubble mission are a camera and the team from JPL that put it all together. (May 7)
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  Spitzer   Spitzer's Warm Mission
After more than five years, Spitzer is completing its original assignment to study the universe in infrared and is now moving on to a new career. (May 6)
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  Eagle Nebula   Hubble’s Eye on the Universe
JPL's camera aboard Hubble has taken some of the space telescope's most memorable images. The camera will be removed and brought back to Earth during a Hubble servicing mission this month. (May 5)
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  sun   What's Up for May?
The brightest object around gets our attention this month as we take in the sun. Learn about solar observers past and present. (May 4)
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  artist concept of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory   Podcast: The Space Hunt Is On -- for Carbon Dioxide
NASA's new Orbiting Carbon Observatory will study carbon dioxide--a major contributor to global warming--in Earth's atmosphere. (Feb. 19)
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  Panorma of Mars   Podcast: Five Years of Cruising on Mars
Harsh climate, dust storms, winds, a broken leg - nothing has stopped the Mars Exploration Rovers from celebrating their fifth anniversary this month. (Jan. 12)
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  Panorma of Mars   Audio clips: Mars Exploration Rovers Five-Year Anniversary
Five years after landing on Mars, the twin exploration rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, are still alive and studying opposite sides of the Red Planet. (Jan. 12)
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    NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - Aug. 5, 2008
An audio recording of the August 5 media telecon. (Aug. 5)
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    Audio clips: NASA Spacecraft Confirms Perchlorate On Mars
Scientists with NASA's Phoenix Mars lander, which landed on Mars May 25, have shared findings from research in progress. (Aug. 5)
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