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The purpose of the Incident Medical Specialist program is to provide Basic Life Support for injuries, and minor medical care for the more common minor medical problems on a fire.Medical Unit Tent

To provide the high quality of service required of incident medical personnel, it has been determined that personnel in the program must have knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following different areas:

  • Knowledge and skill to handle injuries and illnesses of an emergent nature. These abilities need to be continually updated on a regular basis.
  • Medical knowledge of a clinical nature that is appropriate for the fire situation. This knowledge must be expanded and updated on a regular basis.
  • A physical fitness level that allows the caring for and transporting of injuries and illnesses that may occur on the fire line.
  • A basic understanding of wildland fire behavior, and the knowledge and skill to act appropriately to ensure one's own safety in the event of providing medical care on the line in proximity to dangerous fire behavior.
  • A basic familiarity with incident organizational structure to interact effectively on a fire.
  • A thorough understanding of IMS policies, limits, procedures, and operations.
  • A thorough familiarity with the NFES #1835 500 person medical kit.
  • A thorough familiarity with the protocols for the use of medications and other supplies in the medical kit that are outside the scope of normal EMT training.


What is my personal liability?

The performance of Medical Unit personnel will subject them to personal liability in the same manner as any Government employment. Government employees are generally immune from personal liability arising from any act performed WITHIN THE SCOPE AND COURSE OF THEIR EMPLOYMENT. This non-liability would extend to the approved treatment of injuries or administration of drugs during regular employment by persons employed to provide those services.

What is considered my scope of employment?

To be considered as "acting within the scope and course of your employment", you must hold an "Agency Approval" to act as an agent of the government, commensurate to your level of responsibility in the Medical Unit.

Under the "Agency Approval", you may engage in the practice of medicine that is limited to the therapy and products presented in the Region One Medical Unit training.  The use of any products, treatments, or therapy that is not included in the R-6 training is considered outside the scope and course of your employment, an immunity from personal liability would not be extended to their use.

Do I operate under my EMT certification?

Your EMT certification is issued by a state and certifies that you have certain skills in Basic Life Support.  IMS personnel do not operate under the EMT certification while working in the medical unit.  They operate under an "Agency Approval" to act as an agent for the government, performing duties commensurate with their level of assigned responsibility.

EMT certification is required as an entry level qualification, prerequisite to medical unit training.

Doesn't the use of "over the counter drugs" fall inline with practicing medicine?

The diagnosis and treatment, with drugs or therapy, of even minor illness or injury, are considered "practicing medicine". This includes therapy with "over the counter" drugs, and any therapeutic course of action, if it is prescribed. Therefore, to accomplish this the R-6 training session is geared towards the minor medical care in the treatment of minor medical problems most commonly found on a fire.






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Updated June 8, 2007