Alaska Project Database

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February 2009 Print E-mail

The Denali Commission in January made two staff changes within the energy program.  Ms. Denali Daniels was hired as the Senior Energy Program Manager and Ms. Jodi Fondy was promoted to Deputy Energy Program Manager.

The Denali Commissioners approved a draft FY09 Work Plan at the Commissions November quarterly meeting. The Work Plan is based on a continuing resolution, in which the Commission would receive the same amount of funding as last year. The funding for FY09 will not be known, however, until as late as March 2009.  The Work Plan was posted on our website for public comment through January 15, 2009.

The next Quarterly Meeting will be held in Juneau, Alaska on March 19, 2009.  Commissioners will be reviewing public comments and will take additional public comments at that time.  Revisions may be necessary as funding amounts are known.

The Energy Advisory Committee (EAC) meets February 9, 2009.  Agenda items include a second phase for the statewide intertie study, energy program specific policies and implementation of newly adopted Commission policy document, and the Commission's continued role in Renewable/Alternative Energy initiatives in Alaska.  Public comment is being taken 2:15 to 2:45 p.m.  Contact the main office at 907.271.1414 for more information.