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Don Hillebrand May 4 - Fox Business. Interest in Fuel-Efficient Cars Out of Gas? Don Hillebrand is interviewed
PSAT logo Apr 20 - SAE Intl. Parallel computing enables Argonne to speed simulations
Eric Isaacs Mar 31 - Chicago Tonight. Listen to Eric Isaacs' interview; answers transportation questions
Khalil Amine Mar 27 - Technology Review. Better Lithium-Ion Batteries. Khalil Amine is quoted.
March - Electrical Contractor. "Plug into Opportunity": Ted Bohn is quoted
Fuel spray image Mar 17 -- SAE Off Highway. A look inside the combustion process. Chris Powell is quoted

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FLC winners Argonne scientists receive tech transfer award for battery R&D (More...)
Argonne logo DOE to establish two Energy Frontier Research Centers at Argonne (More...)
Air Force works towards smarter diesel engines Air Force works toward smarter diesel engines (More...)
Argonne Director Rosner and KY Governor Beshear Kentucky, Argonne partner to help build domestic battery industry (More...)
New high-energy cathode material can significantly increase safety, life of lithium batteries (More...)

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MATT New combustion strategy accelerates hydrogen-engine development (More...)
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U.S. and Sweden Collaborate on PHEV Research  (More....)
ARDAQ provides onboard data collection and diagnostics of PHEVs. ARDAQ provides onboard data collection and diagnostics of PHEVs (More...)

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