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GLOBE teachers arrive in Russia, start making friends

Moscow, July 28, 1998: The arrival of the U.S. teachers in Russia was marked by lost baggage and hot temperatures. After a long wait for the tour bus, we began our trip into Moscow, a 45-minute drive from the Moscow International Airport at Sheremetevo-2. We traveled into the center of Moscow for a quick tour of Red Square (right; links to 1152x864-pixel, 149K JPG). and dinner at a restaurant that featured a Western America theme called "Wild Horse." After dinner, we drove to Moscow State University and a scenic spot overlooking the Moscow skyline.

Our flight to Rostov-on-Don was on Don Avia airlines from Vnukovo airport (left, links to 1152x864-pixel, 137K JPG) in southwestern Moscow. The hour-and-ten-minute flight was just right for catching a quick nap and beginning to overcome the jet lag felt by all of the teachers.

We arrived at our hotel in Rostov-on-Don at 1 a.m., capping off a 26-hour traveling day for the teachers.

GLOBE travels to Russia
This is the first in a series of stories about a weeklong American-Russian workhop in the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program introduced in April 1994 by U.S. Vice President Al Gore. GLOBE is a worldwide network of K-12 (or equivalent) students working under the guidance of teachers trained to conduct the GLOBE Program.

On Sunday we awoke to another hot day in Russia. The 40.5 deg. C (105-deg. F) temperatures are very difficult to deal with, but the group is ready to begin the GLOBE workshop. The opening session was designed to introduce the workshop participants to one another. Joining the 19 American teachers are 12 Russian teachers and one American Peace Corps worker based in Western Russia.

Web Links
GLOBE national home page
Alabama GLOBE program
GHCC Education activities include EcoBridge, Project Earth Sense, and other activities.
Geographic Information Systems Technologies Center
at Rostov State University will host most of the GLOBE activities.
Students "explore" ancient site with aid of modern navigation and pictures (GHCC education project using remote sensing)

The opening session (above; links to 1152x864-pixel, 173K JPG) included an overview of the GLOBE program, a lecture on Earth System Science and a demostration and discussion of GPS usage in the GLOBE program.

Since usage of GPS units are very restricted in Russia, a local Rostov company is allowing their licensed GPS unit to be used during the workshop. Our opening day ended with a sightseeing boat ride along the Don River and a wonderful banquet in the historic central section of Rostov-on-Don. - Greg Cox, Project GLOBE

Check back tomorrow for more images and notes from GLOBE at Rostov-on-Don.

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All photo credits: NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center

Comments from GLOBE teachers

This is my second trip in two years. Obviously, it is a great experience. It is a beautiful country with many historical sites to see. The people are very warm and friendly toward us Americans.
Willene Huddleston, Heflin, AL

We are having a great time. Our new Russian friends have been a pleasure to meet! The food is interesting and good, and we look forward to more sight seeing later. A great start to an incredible experience!! P.S. Hi Tom.
Kelly Kelley, West Point, PA

It has been incredibly interesting to meet Russian teachers, and other American teachers with similar interests and goals, with the desire to continue learning and growing. I can see the GLOBE program as a wonderful facilitator for learning and understanding more about our wonderful earth!
Sherrell Durand, Heflin, AL

The road of change leads to Russia, a land of opportunity. Together we can help each other discover ourselves and the way we interact with our Earth, a shared responsibility.
Cheryle K. Wallace, Anderson, IN

I didn't realize the magnatude of the GLOBE project. I am so excited to be part of this training and I can't wait to get bact to work with my students collecting data.
Elizabeth Orr, Dalton, GA

The food has been good and abundant, a bit different from ours and that's what makes it interesting.
Joyce Stemple, Schwenksville, PA

The Russian people have been very hospitable to our group. The heat is not their fault. Hi. Mom.
Carol McCaffrey, Apple Valley, CA

Our accomodations are great, food is wonderful and the Russian people are very friendly. The 105 deg. F here in Rostov is probably due to El Nino!! P.S. Hi Shara and Pat.
Susan Gregory, Collegeville, PA

We have had a great time this week, at least if you had your luggage! It has been great to make new friends and get reaquainted with old ones. GLOBE is a great and interesting program and the sight seeing has been wonderful. P.S. Hi Cari, Mom and Dad!!!
Becky Hollingsworth, Pizitz Middle School, Hoover, AL

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the Russian culture, and to learn to communicate with the Russian people. I was interested in the Global Positioning System (GPS) discussions, and am anticipating doing field work with it this week. P.S. Hi family!
April Bates, Bryan Elementary, Cleveland, AL

I have been very imppressed with the friendliness, helpfulness, and the quality of our experiences so far. I am overwhelmed by the beauty of central Moscow, and how smoothly things are going. I feel at home in a place where sites and sounds are unfamiliar.
Carol Kraus, Manchester, CT

I am very excited about the GLOBE program, and I can't wait to begin work involving the students in my class. The people here have been very helpful and read facial expressions very well. Thank goodness. Saint Basil's church is beautiful!!
Debbie Jones, Eufaula, AL

Even not speaking any Russian we are able to communicate because of our common interests in education. It's amazing how far a quick sketch and pantomime will go.
Jennifer Lockett, Mobile, AL

So far the GLOBE experience in Russia has been out of this world. Wish you were here.
Nancy McIntyre, Chatsworth, CA

Russia is beautiful. Moscow was not what I expected. It was bright and very grand. I look forward to each day I am here.
Sandy Childrey, Mt. Gilead, NC

The Russian experience, colorful, fascinating, and a great adventure.
Tina Hall, Randolph School , Huntsville, AL

I am really enjoying Russia, and its friendly people.
Jerry Lee Easterwood, Valley, AL

Teachers take in a view of Moscow (links to 1152x864-pixel, 142K JPG).


Rostov-on-Don GLOBE schedule

Saturday, 7/25: Arrive, Moscow. Sightseeing. Depart for Rostov

Sunday, 7/26: Rostov State University Geographical Information Systems Technologies Center. Meet Russian participants. Earth System Science and GPS lectures.

Monday, 7/27: Hydrology lecture; practice hydrology protocols at Azov Sea shore.

Tuesday, 7/28: Soil lecture, practice protocols in field and laboratory.

Wednesday, 7/29: Archaeology at Tanais; remote sensing overview and multispectral software; GLOBE computer web site access and practice

Thursday, 7/30: Land cover and biology lectures and field protocols; atmospheric science lectures and field protocols

Friday, 7/31: Field assignments along banks of Don River; evaluation, farewell party

Saturday, 8/1: Depart for Moscow and rest of program

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Author: Greg Cox
Curator: Bryan Walls
NASA Official: John M. Horack