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QPU January-March 2009

The Quarterly Provider Update provides a listing of Agency regulations and meeting notices. Non-regulatory changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, consisting of manual instructions, are also included in this listing.

In an effort to improve the presentation of the Quarterly Provider Update (QPU), we modified the layout of the page and incorporated the links to the documents in a table format. There are two versions of the QPU, one version is the Adobe Acrobat file, which is sorted by Provider Type, for each category—Regulations and/or Issuances, and the other is a zipped Word file. The zipped Word file will offer the option, when unzipped, of sorting by File Code for Regulations or Transmittal, Change Request (CR) and Publication Numbers for Issuances.

Issuances for January-March 2009 QPU [PDF, 20 KB]

Issuances for January-March 2009 QPU [Zip, 10 KB]

Regulations for January-March 2009 QPU [PDF, 100 KB]

Regulations for January-March 2009 QPU [Zip, 6 KB]
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Page Last Modified: 04/14/2009 1:26:25 PM
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