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MSU Limb93 Data access

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Data from the MSU LIMB93 processing is available in two formats, namely, the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and a native format originally used by the data producer. In both cases, separate files are provided for the Lower Tropospheric Temperature (LTT), the Upper Tropospheric Temperature (UTT), the Lower Stratospheric Temperature (LST) and the Oceanic Precipitation (OP). Each HDF file contains a single year of daily grids at 2.5 degree resolution. The native format files contain all 16 years of data in single files, except for precipitation which is separated by year as in the case of the HDF version of the data. The data and read programs are available for both data formats via anonymous FTP.

Each link in the "Data Product" column below takes you to a list of data products or collections of data products corresponding to that Data Product Group .

Data Product Group Description Begin Date End Date
HDF The MSU LIMB 93 HDF files contain daily gridded objects of each product for each day covering the data period. Each file contains a full year's worth of data; thus there will be either 365 or 366 Scientific Data Sets (SDS gridded arrays) present in any particular file. 1979-01-01 00:00:00 1994-05-31 23:59:59
Binary Each file contains the global gridded temperature data for the period 1979-1994, i.e., the daily grids for all years are contained in a single file. The data are stored in an IEEE binary format. 1979-01-01 00:00:00 1994-05-31 23:59:59

Additional Resources

Documentation and Software for these data sets are also available.

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