The Office of the President: University of Oregon
“I grew up with a real sense that an individual can make a difference, and that, if you can, you should.”

—Dave Frohnmayer


Office of the President
110 Johnson Hall

Mailing Address:
Office of the President
1226 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1226

(541) 346-3036

(541) 346-3017



State Board selects new UO President

Johnson Hall
On Friday, March 13, State Board of Higher Education president, Paul Kelly, announced that Dr. Richard W. Lariviere, executive vice-chancellor and provost at the University of Kansas, has been named the new president of the University of Oregon. The Board voted unanimously to appoint Dr. Lariviere (pronounced Luh-riv-yair) as president at this morning’s special meeting at UO’s White Stag Block in Portland.

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