this table...

SUZAXISLOG - Suzaku XIS Configuration Log



The Suzaku XIS detector units can be configured differently depending on how the user chooses the observation to be carried out. This database table records for each Suzaku observation the different XIS configurations during an observation for all XIS units. The set of parameters that can be configured are: datamode (see also edit mode), window size, on-board window discriminator, on-board grading and event threshold. Each record lists for a given XIS the values set for these parameters in the time interval where they are valid within the observation. Therefore for a given XIS there will be as many records as many different configurations are present within an observation.


The SUZAXISLOG database table was last updated on 13 May 2009.


This database table is generated at the Suzaku processing site. During operation, it is updated on daily basis.


This is the name given to the pointed target.

The Right Ascension of the pointing position.

The Declination of the pointing position.

The Galactic Longitude of the pointing position.

The Galactic Latitude of the pointing position.

The roll angle of the observation, in degrees.

The start time of the interval for which the XIS parameters recorded in this record are valid.

The stop time of the interval for which the XIS parameters recorded in this record are valid.

The unique observation/sequence number.

The effective total exposure time in seconds for this time interval.

The time resolution of the data.

String indicating the XIS units. The possible values are xis0, xis1, xis2, and xis3. The xis1 is the front-illuminated units, and the others are back-illuminated.

String indicating the data mode in use.

String indicating the edit mode in use. The possible values are 2x2, 3x3, and 5x5, and they correspond to the island of pixels centered on the event and telemetered on ground.

This gives the code assigned to each datamode. This is a string of three numerical values.

String indicating the clock mode in use.

String indicating the window option in use. The possible values are 0=off, 1=1/4, 2=1/8, and 3=1/16.

This gives the start address of the window.

This gives the size of the window.

The number of lines that are summed when the Psum clock is in use.

This gives the start address of the horizontal area discriminator set on board. It consists of a string with four numbers, each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This gives the stop address of the horizontal area discriminator set on board. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This gives the start address of the vertical area discriminator set on board. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This gives the stop address of the vertical area discriminator set on board. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This indicates the area discriminator type if it is applied outside (set to 0) or inside (set to 1). It consists of a string of four numbers, each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

There are four types of grade on board: OTHERS, TRAIL, LEAD, SINGLE. This parameters reports a string with four numbers, each indicating if any of these types of grades are sent to the telemetry. The possible values of each number are 0 (indicating the grade type is not sent) or 1 (indicating the grade type is sent). The grade discriminator is used only in the timing mode.

This give the lower-level discriminator applied on-board to events. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This gives the upper-level discriminator applied on-board to events. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D).

This parameter indicates the area discriminator status for each segment of the CCD. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D). The possible values are 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled.

This parameter indicates the grade discriminator status for each segment of the CCD. It consists of a string with four numbers each corresponding to each individual segment of the CCD (A, B, C, D). The values are 0 for disable, 1 enable. The grade discriminator is used only in the timing mode.

This parameter identifies the specific configuration of the area and grade discriminators and the event threshold. The same string is used in the filename. The value for the standard configuration is 'a'.

The name of the XIS file that contains the data with the configuration settings described in this record.

This records the date when the data were processed. If a data set has been processed more than one time, it reports the date of the last processing.

This records the version of the processing script used in the pipeline to generate the data products for the observation.

This records the number of times a data set has been processed using the same processing version of the script.

This is a flag which identifies whether or not the observation was carried out with charge injection in the XIS.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SUZAXISLOG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Friday, 12-Sep-2008 00:55:31 EDT