this table...

WACKERLING - Wackerling Catalog of Early-Type Emission-line Stars



The Wackerling Catalog contains entries for 5326 early-type emission-line stars. Of these stars, 1424 have no spectral classification but are assumed to be of early type. Some 71 percent of the stars in this catalog can also be found in the Mount Wilson and the Mount Wilson-Michigan survey catalogs. The Wackerling Catalog contains numerous cross identifications to other designations (common name, HD, DM, LS, MWC, TON, HIL, WRA, HEN, etc.), rough spectroscopic types, magnitudes (visual and blue), and positions.

The version of the Wackerling Catalog on which the HEASARC database is based was obtained from the ADC and differs in some respects from the original published version, notice.

Catalog Bibcode



Catalogue of Early-Type Stars Whose Spectra Have Shown Emission Lines; Wackerling, L.R. (Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 73, 153 (1970)) 1970MmRAS..73..153W


This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in July 1999 based on a machine-readable table obtained from the ADC/CDS data centers.


The Wackerling Sequence number based on the order in the published catalog, i.e., in increasing RA (1900 equinox). Notice that this is seldom used in the literature, and is not a recognized designation by the Dictionary of Astronomical Nomenclature.

A standard designation for the star, albeit in a somewhat condensed form in some cases. If the listed name is a string of numbers, to determine the actual full name, this has to be compared with the values of the other catalog parameters: hd, dm, mwc, hpc, ton, ls, wray, and henize, in many cases. For example, if name = '225095' and hd = 225095, then the full name should be 'hd 225095'. In other cases, the listed name may be a constellation-based designation such as the Bayer name (Greek letter + 3-letter abbreviation for constellation, e.g., OMI CAS for omicron Cassiopeia), Flamsteed name (number + 3-letter abbreviation for constellation, e.g., 10 CAS for 10 Cassiopeia), or variable star name (e.g., AX PER for AX Persei), or the name of the star in the HR or NGC Catalogs.

The right ascension in the specified equinox. The positions in this database were created using the B1950 equinox positions given in the original ADC/CDS table. The precision of these latter positions given was to the nearest 0.01 minutes (0.6 seconds) in RA in the original table, notice.

The declination in the specified equinox. The positions in this database were created using the B1950 equinox positions given in the original ADC/CDS table. The precision of these latter positions given was to the nearest 0.1 arcminutes (6 arcseconds) in RA in the original table, notice.

The galactic longitude of the star.

The galactic latitude of the star.

The designation with which the source is normally referred. This name may be a constellation-based designation such as the Bayer name (Greek letter + 3-letter abbreviation for constellation, e.g., OMI CAS for omicron Cassiopeia), Flamsteed name (number + 3-letter abbreviation for constellation, e.g., 10 CAS for 10 Cassiopeia), or variable star name (e.g., AX PER for AX Persei), or the name of the star in the HR or NGC Catalogs.

A flag for the common_name parameter which, if set to ':', indicates an uncertainty exists in this designation.

The Henry Draper catalog number.

A flag for the hd parameter, indicating for multiple systems which component is being referred to ('A', 'B', etc), or, if set to ':', indicates an uncertainty exists in this designation.

The Durchmusterung (DM) Catalog name, where a 'BD' prefix refers to the Bonner Durchmusterung (BD), a 'CD' prefix refers to the Cordoba Durchmusterung (CD or CoD), and a 'CP' prefix refers to the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (CPD).

A flag for the dm parameter, indicating for multiple systems which component is being referred to ('A', or 'P'), or, if set to ':', indicates an uncertainty exists in this designation.

The Mount Wilson Catalog (MWC) or Additional Stars Catalog (AS) number. Entries which contain just a number refer to the MWC, so that a value of '4' implies a full name of 'MWC 4', while entries with a prefix of 'A' followed by a number refer to the AS Catalog, so that a value of 'A 2' implies a full name of 'AS 2'.

A flag for the mwc_or_as parameter set to ':'if the MWC or AS identification is uncertain.

The Hiltner Polarization Catalog (Hiltner, W.A. 1956, ApJS, 2, 389) number.

A flag for the hpc parameter set to ':'if the HPC identification is uncertain.

The Tonantzintla number, i.e., a reference to a star list published in the Bol. Obs. Tonantzintla Tacubaya (except M1 from Bol. Mimeograf. Obs. Tonantzintla Tacubaya); there are four codes - GG, IC, M and S - with the authors as follows: GG = G. Gonzales and G. Gonzales, IC = B. Iriarte and E. Chavira, M = L. Munch or L. Munch and W.W. Morgan (M3 only), and S = E. Chavira. The individual codes refer to the following references:

                     Database   Published  Reference
                     Value      Code

                      1G         GG1       1954, 1, No. 9, 3 and
                                           1956, 2, No. 14, 19
                      2G         GG2       1954, 2, No. 11, 25
                      3G         GG3       1956, 3, No. 15, 16
                      1I         IC1       1954, 2, No. 11, 27; Table I
                      2I         IC2       1954, 2, No. 11, 27; Table II
                      3I         IC3       1955, 2, No. 13, 12; Table I
                      4I         IC4       1955, 2, No. 13, 12; Table II
                      5I         IC5       1955, 2, No. 13, 19; Table I
                      6I         IC6       1955, 2, No. 13, 19; Table II
                      7I         IC7       1956, 2, No. 14, 31
                      1M         M1        1952, 1, No. 2, 1
                      2M         M2        1953, 1, No. 7, 23
                      3M         M3        1953, 1, No. 8, 19
                      4M         M4        1953, 1, No. 8, 27
                      5M         M5        1954, 1, No. 9, 29
                      6M         M6        1955, 2, No. 13, 28
                      7M         M7        1956, 2, No. 14, 35
                       S         S         1958, 2, No. 17, 31

Luminous Stars (LS) number, from one of 6 possible papers where LS i =Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way i, Hamburg-Bergedorf. Thus, if ls = '1+59 38', the full correct name would be LS I +59 3. The references corresponding to the 6 initial numerical (i) codes are as follows:

  Code   Designation   Reference

  1      LS I          Hardorp, J. et al. 1959 and Voight, H.H., 1965
                       Supplement to LS I
  2      LS II         Stock, J., Nassau, J.J. and Stephenson, C.B. 1960
  3      LS III        Hardorp, J., Theile, I. and Voight, H.H. 1964
  4      LS IV         Nassau, J.J. and Stephenson, C.B. 1963
  5      LS V          Hardorp, J., Theile, I. and Voight, H.H. 1965
  6      LS VI         Nassau, J.J., Stephenson, C.B. and MacConnell, D.J. 1965

A flag for the ls parameter, indicating for multiple systems which component is being referred to (e.g., 'A', 'B', etc.), or, if set to ':', indicates an uncertainty exists in this designation.

The number from the J.D. Wray (1966, Ph.D., Northewestern Univ.) List of Emission-line Stars.

A flag for the wray parameter set to ':' if an uncertainty exists in this designation.

The number from either the Henize Emission-line Star List (Henize, K.G. 1976, ApJS, 30, 491), if there is no prefix, or the Henize List of Planetary Nebulae (Henize, K.G. 1967, ApJS, 14, 125), if prefixed with the letter 'P'.

A flag for the henize parameter set to ':' if an uncertainty exists in this designation.

A crude spectral classification ussing the following codes:

            Type Code               Category
            OB                      OB group
            O, B, A, F              of unknown luminosity class
            O, B, A, F  *           of MK Class III, IV or V
            CO, CB, CA, CF *        of MK Class I or II
            OF                      Of
            WR, WC, WN, WP          Wolf-Rayet
            SB                      subluminous B
            UG                      U Gem or Z Cam
            Q                       old nova
            RQ                      recurrent nova
            X                       identified with an X-ray source
            Z                       symbiotic
            CQ                      super luminous nova-like variable
            BQ, AQ, FQ              shell component present in spectra
            Y                       central star of a planetary nebulae
            +                       binary star
There are 1424 (26.7%) sources which have no spectral classification but are presumed to be of early type. There are 732 stars with MK luminosity classification, 420 binaries and 67 with forbidden lines in their spectra.

The apparent visual magnitude in a band specified by the value of the parameter vmag_flag.

A flag regarding the visual magnitude value. If empty, the magnitude is derived from photography (notice this is never stated explicitly in the paper or the ADC/CDS documentation), if set to 'P' the magnitude is a phtomoetric magnitude in either the Johnson-Morgan V band, or (if available) for Wolf-Rayet stars, the Smith-Weterlund v band, and if set to 'V', the magnitude is variable.

The apparent blue magnitude in a band specified by the value of the parameter bmag_flag.

A flag regarding the blue magnitude value. If empty, the magnitude is derived from photography (notice this is never stated explicitly in the paper or the ADC/CDS documentation), if set to 'P' the magnitude is a phtomoetric magnitude in either the Johnson-Morgan B band, or (if available) for Wolf-Rayet stars, the Smith-Weterlund b band, and if set to 'V', the magnitude is variable.

Browse classification, derived from the spectral classification parameter spect_type_code. Since this latter is a crude classification, the class derived from it is equally crude.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the WACKERLING database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 08-Nov-2004 11:28:06 EST