this table...




This database table contains the list of all Rontgen Satellite (ROSAT) X-Ray Telescope (XRT) pointing-mode observations for which data sets are available, i.e., it excludes the ROSAT All-Sky Survey observations. Users should consult the RASSMASTER database table for those XRT observations which were made in scanning mode during the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) phase (30 July 1990 to 25 January 1991, and 3 August 1991 to 13 August 1991).

For each observation listed in this table, parameters such as the focal-plane instrument used, the data processing site, and the target name and coordinates are given, as well as the ROSAT Observation Request (ROR) number, the actual and requested exposure times, the date(s) on which the observation took place, etc.

For details about the ROSAT instruments, consult the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility (GOF) website at e.g., a list of the available on-line ROSAT documentation can be found at


This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2004 by combining the data from two long-standing HEASARC Browse tables into one master table.

Data Products

ROSAT Data Products Categories and Descriptions:
ABSTRACTS       Proposal abstract for each observation in ASCII format
CONTENTS        List of files archived with a given observation
BASIC           Events and good times in FITS format
DERIVED         Images and derived products in FITS format
CALIBRATION     Calibration-related products in FITS format
ANCILLARY       Orbit and housekeeping data in FITS format
ASCII           Text output
POSTSCRIPT      Images and plots in PostScript format
GIF IMAGES      Images in GIF format

Which data products files belong in each set can be complicated because prior to the Rev2 processing, US-processed data products and German-processed data products didn't look very similar. This is further complicated because HRI data products are different from PSPC data products.

You can tell the origin of and instrument used for a data product by examining the sequence ID. The filename for each data product starts with the sequence ID. Use this sample sequence IDs as a guide in determining this information:

rp110590n00     US PSPC
rf110587n00     US PSPC + BORON FILTER
rh110267        US HRI
wp100308        MPE PSPC
wf100130        MPE PSPC + BORON FILTER
wh150032        MPE HRI

Data Type Description for US-Format Filtered and Non-Filtered PSPC Data (Rev 0):

CONTENTS     public contents file    rp110590.public_contents     ASCII
             V&V report           ASCII
BASIC        photon list             rp110590.fits                FITS
             master data store       rp110590.mds                 FITS
DERIVED      processing parameters   rp110590.par                 FITS
             broad-band image        rp110590_im1.fits            FITS
             hard-band image         rp110590_im2.fits            FITS
             soft-band image         rp110590_im3.fits            FITS
             SIMBAD source list      rp110590_sky.fits            FITS
             extracted SIMBAD list   rp110590_smx.asc             ASCII
CALIBRATION  response matrix         rp110590.dmp                 FITS
             instrument map                 FITS
             off-axis area           rp110590.oar                 FITS
             radiation cal results   rp110590.rcr                 FITS
             exposure map            rp110590_mex.fits            FITS
ANCILLARY    Aspect quality          rp110590.asp                 FITS
             corrected aspect        rp110590.cas                 FITS
             event rates             rp110590.evr                 FITS
             binned housekeeping     rp110590.hkb                 FITS
             split aspect                    FITS
             smoothed aspect                 FITS
             split orbit                     FITS
             housekeeping status     rp110590.sta                 FITS
POSTSCRIPT   aspect  plots (1/obi)   rp110590_aaq001_16.plt       PS
             event rate plot (1/obi) rp110590_evr001_16.plt       PS
             cover page              rp110590_fps.plt             PS
             housekeep. plot (1/obi) rp110590_hks001_16.plt       PS
             broad-band image        rp110590_im1.plt             PS
             hard-band image         rp110590_im2.plt             PS
             soft-band image         rp110590_im3.plt             PS
             SIMBAD source plot      rp110590_smx.plt             PS
GIF          broad-band image        rp110590_im1.fits            GIF
             hard-band image         rp110590_im2.fits            GIF
             soft-band image         rp110590_im3.fits            GIF

Data Type Description for US-Format HRI Data (Rev0):

CONTENTS     public contents file    rh110267.public_contents     ASCII
             V&V report           ASCII
BASIC        complete photon store   rh110267.cps                 FITS
             photon event list       rh110267.fits                FITS
             merged status history   rh110267.mob                 FITS
             split status history    rh110267.ots                 FITS
             standard good intervals rh110267.sgi                 FITS
             standard screen results rh110267.ssc                 FITS
             temporal status history rh110267.tsh                 FITS
DERIVED      processing parameters   rh110267.anp                 FITS
             bright earth intervals                 FITS
             bright earth event list rh110267.obt                 FITS
             processing parameters   rh110267.par                 FITS
             HRI image               rh110267_img.fits            FITS
             SIMBAD sky list         rh110267_sky.fits            FITS
CALIBRATION  charged particle bkg    rh110267.cpb                 FITS
             detector background     rh110267.dbm                 FITS
             quantum efficiency map  rh110267.qeg                 FITS
ANCILLARY    aspect histogram        rh110267.ah                  FITS
             aspect offsets                  FITS
             count rate histogram    rh110267.dms                 FITS
             science frame quality   rh110267.htl                 FITS
             live-time factors       rh110267.ltf                 FITS
             observation angles      rh110267.oan                 FITS
             HRI sampling histogram  rh110267.s1d                 FITS
             HRI SAA rates           rh110267.saa                 FITS
             split orbit                     FITS
             science rates           rh110267.sps                 FITS
POSTSCRIPT   SIMBAD sky plot         rh110267_sky.plt             PS
             rates plot (1/obi)      rh110267_str.plt             PS
             SIMBAD source list      rh110267_sky.asc             ASCII
GIF          GIF image               rh110267_img.gif             GIF

Data Type Description for MPE-Format Filtered and Non-Filtered PSPC Data (Rev0):

CONTENTS     public contents file    wp110130.public_contents     ASCII
BASIC        photon list             wp110130_events.tfits        FITS
             rejected events         wp110130_difevents.tfits     FITS
DERIVED      broad-band image        wp110130_image1.ifits        FITS
             hard-band image         wp110130_image2.ifits        FITS
             soft-band image         wp110130_image3.ifits        FITS
             energy-coded image      wp110130_imagec.ifits        FITS
CALIBRATION  response matrix         wp110130_drmpspc.ifits       FITS
             instrument map          wp110130_moimp.ifits         FITS
             off-axis area, PSPC B   wp110130_effarea_pspcb.tfits FITS
             off-axis area, PSPC C   wp110130_effarea_pspcc.tfits FITS
             exposure map            wp110130_mexmap.ifits        FITS
ANCILLARY    quality file            wp110130_quality.tfits       FITS
             attitude file           wp110130_attitude.tfits      FITS
             event rates             wp110130_eventrates.tfits    FITS
             orbit                   wp110130_orbit.tfits         FITS
GIF          broad-band image        wp110130_image1.gif          GIF
             hard-band image         wp110130_image2.gif          GIF
             soft-band image         wp110130_image3.gif          GIF
             energy-coded image      wp110130_imageec.gif         GIF

Data Type Description for MPE-Format HRI Data (Rev0):

CONTENTS     public contents file    wh110131.public_contents     ASCII
BASIC        photon event list           FITS
             rejected events        FITS
DERIVED      image file              wh110131_img.fits            FITS
CALIBRATION  effective area      FITS
             hot spot map             FITS
             quantum efficiency map      FITS
ANCILLARY    aspect                 FITS
             event rates          FITS
             orbit                     FITS
             data quality      FITS
             data quality limits          FITS
GIF          image                   wh110131_img.gif             GIF

Data Type Description for PSPC RDF Data (Rev2, both MPE and GSFC processings):

CONTENTS     public contents file    rp123456n00.public_contents  ASCII
BASIC        photon list             rp123456n00_bas.fits         FITS
             uncorrected events      rp123456n00_raw.fits         FITS
DERIVED      qualified source        rp123456n00_qsrc.fits        FITS
             broad-band image        rp123456n00_im1.fits         FITS
             hard-band image         rp123456n00_im2.fits         FITS
             soft-band image         rp123456n00_im3.fits         FITS
             broad-band bkg image    rp123456n00_bk1.fits         FITS
             hard-band bkg image     rp123456n00_bk2.fits         FITS
             soft-band bkg image     rp123456n00_bk3.fits         FITS
             energy-coded image      rp123456n00_ime.fits         FITS
             exposure map            rp123456n00_mex.fits         FITS
             lightcurve file         rp123456n00_ltc.fits         FITS
ANCILLARY    orbit,pointing info     rp123456n00_anc.fits         FITS
             processing history info rp123456n00_his.fits         FITS
POSTSCRIPT   FITS-wrapped PostScript rp123456n00_prt.fits         FITS
GIF          broad-band image        rp123456n00_im1.gif          GIF
             hard-band image         rp123456n00_im2.gif          GIF
             soft-band image         rp123456n00_im3.gif          GIF
             energy-coded image      rp123456n00_ime.gif          GIF

Data Type Description for HRI Data (Rev2, both MPE and GSFC processings):

CONTENTS     public contents file    rh123456n00.public_contents  ASCII
BASIC        photon list             rh123456n00_bas.fits         FITS
DERIVED      qualified source file   rh123456n00_qsrc.fits        FITS
             5"/pixel Image          rh123456n00_im_5.fits        FITS
             2"/pixel Image          rh123456n00_im_2.fits        FITS
             broad-band image        rh123456n00_im1.fits         FITS
             broad-band bkg image    rh123456n00_bk1.fits         FITS
ANCILLARY    orbit,pointing info     rh123456n00_anc.fits         FITS
             processing history info rh123456n00_his.fits         FITS
POSTSCRIPT   FITS-wrapped PostScript rh123456n00_prt.fits         FITS
GIF          5"/pixel image          rh123456n00_im_5.gif         GIF
             2"/pixel image          rh123456n00_im_2.gif         GIF
             broad-band image        rh123456n00_im1.gif          GIF


The sequence identification number (e.g. rp123456n00), where the prefix is 'RP' for an unfiltered PSPC pointed observation, 'RF' for a filtered PSPC pointed observation, or 'RH' for pointed HRI observations (or, rarely, 'RN' if the observation was scheduled but not actually carried out). The next 6 characters are the ROSAT observation request sequence number or ROR, while the following 3 characters after the ROR number are the follow-on suffix containing the index identifier (the parameter index_id). A complete pointing at a given ROSAT target comprises all the datasets having the same prefix and ROR numbers.

The right ascension of the target in the selected equinox.

The declination of the target in the selected equinox.

The galactic longitude of the target, calculated from the right ascension and declination.

The galactic latitude of the target, calculated from the right ascension and declination.

The focal-plane instrument used for the observation (PSPC, HRI).

Flag to determine whether the Boron filter was used.

The site where this data set was processed (GSFC, MPE).

The actual exposure of the pointing, in seconds. For pointed ROSAT observations (sequences beginning with RP, RF, or RH) the exposure time given here generally indicates the amount of good science time at the center of the field.

The amount of observing time requested by the Principal Investigator and/or approved by the ROSAT Peer Review, in seconds.

The FITS format of the corresponding data set: RDF, PROS, EXSAS.

The date/time the observation began.

The date/time the observation ended.

The designation of the target.

The last name of the Principal Investigator for the observation.

The first name of the Principal Investigator for the observation.

The ROSAT observation request (ROR) sequence number.

The ROSAT observation index identifier.

The subject category of the observation according to a simple classification scheme as follows:

    subj_cat   Meaning

      1        Normal (non-degenerate) stars
      2        White dwarf stars
      3        Cataclysmic variables
      4        Neutron stars and black holes
      5        Supernova remnants
      6        Normal galaxies
      7        Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
      8        Clusters of galaxies
      9        Extended and diffuse X-ray emission
     10        Other types of objects

The revision number of the processing system used to generate the data products: it can be either 0, 1, or 2.

The title of the ROSAT AO proposal associated with this observation.

The data set identification number.

The ROSAT proposal cycle (or mission year) of the observation.

The unique ROSAT number identifying the proposal that originated the observation.

The roll angle of the spacecraft, in degrees.

The ROSAT mission day number (2 June 1990=1) of the start of the observation.

The ROSAT mission day number (2 June 1990=1) of the end of the observation.

The HEASARC Browse object classification for this target.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ROSMASTER database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Friday, 19-Nov-2004 15:21:58 EST