this table...




We present a catalogue of XUV sources from observations by the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on ROSAT during the pointed phase. The ROSAT WFC is a telescope sensitive in the extreme UV range (17-210eV) which observes in parallel with the ROSAT X-Ray Telescope (XRT). The 5916 pointed observations processed are from the calibration and verification phase in June 1990 and from the period 9 Feb. 1991 to 15 July 1994. The catalogue contains 1022 independent source detections which correspond to 328 individual sources, many of which have been observed repeatedly. Each observation was done with one of four filters S1, S2, P1 and P2. Of the 328 sources 113 are new sources (they are not listed in the "2RE" catalogue) and 274 have been identified with optical counterparts. The catalogue contains coordinates, observed count rates, normalized source count rates and the proposed optical counterpart with its spectral class.

Catalog Bibcode



Kreysing H.C., Brunner H., and Staubert, R. 1995, A&AS, 114, 465. (Catalog <J/A+AS/114/465>).


This version of the ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalog was created at the HEASARC in August 1998 based on the CDS/ADC Catalog <J/A+AS/114/465>.


This source designation was created by the HEASARC after consultation with the authors of the catalogue, since the original version had no such field. The 'REP' prefix stands for 'ROSAT Extreme-Ultraviolet Pointed (phase)' and is used to distinguish the present catalogue from the RE and 2RE catalogs which were both based on the ROSAT All-Sky Survey phase. The remainder of the name is based on the J2000 equatorial co-ordinates of the source following the prescribed IAU nomenclature scheme.

The Right Ascension of the source in the default equinox, as obtained from a maximum likelihood fit with the point response fucntion. The positional uncertainty of a WFC source was assumed to be 60 arcseconds.

The Declination of the source in the default equinox, as obtained from a maximum likelihood fit with the point response fucntion. The positional uncertainty of a WFC source was assumed to be 60 arcseconds.

Galactic longitude of the source.

Galactic latitude of the source.

Date of the beginning of the observation.

Effective intergration time of observation (aka the exposure time) in seconds.

Filter used in the observation. Two different pairs of S1 and S2 filters, S1A, S1B, S2A, and S2B, exist. Each filter has a slightly different transmission profile. In most of the observations the S1A and the S2B filter were used, and these default values for the filters are listed as S1 and S2, respectively. The exceptions where the S2A and S1B filters were used are explicitly indicated as such.

Off-axis angle of each source, i.e., the angle between the nominal pointing direction and the source direction: note that count rates for sources with off-axis angles greater than 130 arcminutes are not reliable.

Likelihood of existence for the source, given as -In(Likelihood), as determined by the maximum likelihood fit.

The observed source count rate in counts per second (vignetting corrections applied), as determined by the maximum likelihood fit.

The rms uncertainty in the observed source count rate, in counts per second, (vignetting corrections applied), as determined by the maximum likelihood fit.

The count rate in counts per second, normalized to the detector efficiency at the beginning of the verification phase.

The error in the count rate, in counts per second, normalized to the detector efficiency at the beginning of the verification phase.

The name of the optical counterpart, if identified with an object listed in the SIMBAD database.

The EUV name of the optical counterpart, as found in the WFC Bright Source Catalogue (Pounds, K.A. et al. 1993, MNRAS, 260, 77), or from the SIMBAD database.

The spectral type of the optical counterpart, as found in the WFC Bright Source Catalogue (Pounds, K.A. et al. 1993, MNRAS, 260, 77), or from the SIMBAD database.

The ROSAT Observation Request (ROR) number used as a unique identifier for every pointed ROSAT observation.

An identification code for certain types of objects:

            1: WD, cal, ser;
            2: WD, non-cal, ser;
            3: WD, cal, target;
            4: WD, non-cal, target;
            5: not WD, non-cal, target.
            'WD' is White Dwarf, 'cal'/'non-cal' means the source was used/not
            used for the in-flight calibration, 'target'/'ser' means the
            source was the target of a planned observation or otherwise a
            serendipitously detected one).

When 'X', this indicates that the source was found in the EUVE Catalog (Bowyer, S. et al. 1994, ApJS, 93, 569).

When 'X', this indicates that the source was found in the ROSAT 2RE Catalog (Pye, J.P. et al. 1995, MNRAS, 274, 1165).

When 'X', this indicates that the source was found in the ROSAT XRT Catalog (Voges, W. et al. 1994, ROSAT Workshop, MPE) [called ROSATSRC in the HEASARC database system].

When 'X', this indicates that the source was found in the FAUST Catalog (Boywer, S. et al. 1995, ApJS, 96, 461).

Browse classification, derived from the spectral type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ROSATXUV database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 08-Nov-2004 11:27:18 EST