this table...

VLSS - VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Discrete Source Catalog



The VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey (VLSS) is a 74 MHz (4m) continuum survey covering the entire sky north of -30 degrees declination. Using the VLA in B- and BnA-configurations, the authors will map the entire survey region at a resolution of 80" and with an average rms noise of 0.1 Jy/beam. For a detailed description of the survey and its scientific motivations, please see the original proposal to the skeptical NRAO review committee at or the published reference for the survey (listed below).

The VLSS is being made as a service to the astronomical community, and the principal data products are being released to the public as soon as they are produced and verified. Details and access to the images can be found at

This table contains the 26 June 2007 version of the VLSS catalog of discrete sources obtained from the set of 14 by 14-degree, 74-MHz continuum images in the Stokes I parameter. This catalog was created by fitting elliptical Gaussians to all sources detected at the 5-sigma level or higher. It is based on fields representing roughly 95% of the planned survey area which were available in the the second major VLSS data release.

The images are available at The particular field in which a given source was detected is available as a remote data product to this table.

Catalog Bibcode



The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey
     Perley R.A., Condon J.J., Cotton W.D., Cohen A.S., Lane W.M., Kassim N.E.,
     Lazio T.J.W., Erickson W.C.
    <Proposal from National Radio Astronomy Observatory,
     National Research Council, Naval Research Laboratory,
     University of Maryland (Version May 2006)>
The VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey
     Cohen A.S., Lane W.M., Cotton W.D., Kassim N.E., Lazio T.J.W.,
     Perley R.A., Condon J.J., Erickson W.C.
    <Astron. J., 134, 1245-1262 (2007)>


This table was updated by the HEASARC in February 2008, based on CDS table VIII/79A file catalog.dat, replacing the first (Aug 2006) version.

HEASARC Implementation

The HEASARC converted the flux densities from Jy to mJy.


The designation for the VLSS source as recommended by the authors of the catalog, using the 'VLSS' prefix and the J2000.0 coordinates truncated to 0.1 minutes of time in RA and 1 arcminute in Declination.

The Right Ascension of the VLSS source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 arcseconds in the originating table.

The Declination of the VLSS source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the originating table.

The Galactic Longitude of the VLSS source.

The Galactic Latitude of the VLSS source.

The mean error in the Right Ascension of the source, in seconds.

The mean error in the Declination of the source, in arcseconds.

The integrated flux density of the VLSS source at 74MHz, in mJy.

The mean error in the integrated flux density of the VLSS source at 74MHz, in mJy.

This parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding major axis is an upper limit rather than a measured value.

The deconvolved major axis of the source, in arcseconds.

The mean error in the deconvolved major axis of the source, in arcseconds

This parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding minor axis is an upper limit rather than a measured value.

The deconvolved minor axis of the source, in arcseconds

The mean error in the deconvolved minor axis of the source, in arcseconds

The position angle of the source if extended, i.e., the orientation of its major axis, in degrees, from north through east.

The mean error in the position angle, in degrees.

The name of the original survey field in which the source was found.

The X-axis (RA) pixel number of the source in the original survey image field (specified by the field_name parameter) in which the source was present.

The Y-axis (Dec) pixel number of the source in the original survey image field (specified by the field_name parameter) in which the source was present.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the VLSS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Tuesday, 11-Mar-2008 10:02:02 EDT