this table...

CHIANTI - Chianti Emission Line List, Version 3.01



A comprehensive set of accurate atomic data is required for analyses of astrophysical and solar spectra. The full CHIANTI database (availaable in the US at provides a database of atomic energy levels, wavelengths, radiative data and electron excitation data for ions which are abundant in cosmic plasmas. The original version (Dere et al. 1997, A&AS, 125, 149) was essentially complete for specifying the emission spectrum at wavelengths greater than 50 Angstrom (AA). The Version 3.01 has been extended to include the 1 - 50 AA wavelength region. Lists of observed solar emission lines in the spectral regions between 1 and 50 AA and between 50 and 1100 AA have been compiled and compared with the lines predicted by the CHIANTI database. This HEASARC database is essentially a merger of these two line lists. The full CHIANTI atomic database and its supporting IDL routines are available on the Web at:

Catalog Bibcode



K. P. Dere, E. Landi, H.E. Mason, B. C. Monsignori Fossi, P. R. Young,
"CHIANTI - An Atomic Database For Emission Lines Paper I: Wavelengths greater
than 50 Angstroms"
Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Ser., Vol. 125, pp. 149-173 (1997)

P.R. Young, E. Landi and R.J. Thomas
"CHIANTI - An Atomic Database For Emission Lines Paper II: Comparison with
the SERTS-89 Active Region Spectrum"
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 329, pp. 291-314 (1998)

E. Landi, M. Landini, K.P. Dere, P.R. Young, H.E. Mason
"CHIANTI - an atomic database for emission lines, III - Continuum radiation
and extension of the ion database"
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 135, 339 (1999)

K. P. Dere, E. Landi, G. Del Zanna, P.R. Young
"CHIANTI - an atomic database for emission lines, IV - Extension to X-ray
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 134, 331 (2001)


The updated HEASARC version of the Chianti database was created in December 2000 based on the tables chianti_1_50.html and chianti_50_1100.html obtained from the NRL Chianti website at


The observed wavelength in the solar spectrum in Angstroms obtained from the literature sources listed in the parameter line_reference. This is an average value of the wavelengths observed in the various reported spectra. Reported wavelengths that differed by less than a chosen wavelength difference D_Lam were in general simply averaged to arrive at the quoted value. For wavelengths below 400 AA, D_Lam was set to 0.03 AA, for wavelengths between 400 and 600 AA, D_Lam was set to 0.04 AA, and for wavelengths above 600 AA, D_Lam was set to 0.05 AA. The value of the observed wavelength is set to 0.000 AA if there is no report of an observed line at the wavelength of a reasonably intense line predicted by CHIANTI.

The wavelength in Angstroms (AA) in the CHIANTI database. In those cases where the transition is not in the CHIANTI database but an observed wavelength is reported, the value of the CHIANTI wavelength is set to 0.000 AA and the value of the intensity is set to undefined.

The ion stage that gives rise to the particular spectral line.

The spectroscopic notation for the lower level of the transition. Notice that superscripts and subscripts have not been rendered as such in our representation, but are implicit by the ordering and spacing, e.g., for the level 1s 2p 1P1, in the 1P1 part the first 1 is a superscript and the second 1 is a subscript; for the level 1s2 1S0, in the 1s2 part the 2 is a superscript, while in the 1S0 part the 1 is a superscript and the 0 is a subscript.

The spectroscopic notation for the upper level of the transition. Notice that superscripts and subscripts have not been rendered as such in our representation, but are implicit by the ordering and spacing, e.g., for the level 1s 2p 1P1, in the 1P1 part the first 1 is a superscript and the second 1 is a subscript; for the level 1s2 1S0, in the 1s2 part the 2 is a superscript, while in the 1S0 part the 1 is a superscript and the 0 is a subscript.

The predicted intensity of the line expected from a solar flare using the differential emission measure distribution (DEM) derived by Dere and Cook (1979, ApJ, 229, 772). The intensities are calculated from the DEM, which spans the temperature range 30,000 to 25 million K, with the elemental abundances of Allen (1973, Astrophysical Quantities), and the ionization equilibria of Arnaud and Rothenflug (1985, A&AS, 60, 425). The intensity values should only be used as a guide to the identification and the problem of blending, and should be used in a relative sense. Lines with predicted intensities less than 10 were not considered likely to be observed. Some identifications should be considered simply coincidental. Predicted spectral lines with intensities above 200 were included even if there was no reported line at that wavelength: the observed wavelengths are set to 0.000 for such cases. Finally, the value of the intensity is set to 0.000 if the line is observed but it is not included in the CHIANTI database.

Numerical codes for the literature sources of the observed wavelengths as follows:

             1:  Acton et al. (1985ApJ...291..865A)
             2:  Behring et al. (1972ApJ...175..493B)
             3:  Behring et al. (1976ApJ...203..521B)
             4:  Dere (1978ApJ...221.1062D)
             5:  Freeman & Jones (1970SPh....15..288F)
             6:  Thomas & Neupert (1994, Cat. <J/ApJS/91/461>)
             7:  Widing & Sandlin (1968ApJ...152..545W)
             8:  Kastner et al. (1974ApJ...191..261K)
             9:  Burton & Ridgeley (1970SPh....14....3B)
            10:  Feldman & Doschek (1991ApJS...75..925F)
            11:  Fawcett et al. (1987MNRAS.225.1013F)
            12:  Fawcett et al. 1987, revised by Phillips et al.
            13:  Feldman et al. (1980ApJ...238..365F)
            14:  McKenzie et al. (1980ApJ...241..409M)
            15:  McKenzie & Landecker (1982ApJ...254..309M)
            16:  McKenzie et al. (1985ApJ...289..849M)
            17:  Phillips et al. (1982ApJ...256..774P)
            18:  Phillips et al. (1999A&AS..138..381P)
            19:  Doschek (1972SSRv...13..765D)
            20:  Pike et al. (1996ApJ...464..487P)

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CHIANTI database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 08-Nov-2004 11:24:13 EST