this table...

BATSEGRBSP - CGRO/BATSE Complete Spectral Catalog of Bright GRBs



The CGRO/BATSE Complete Spectral Catalog of Bright Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) contains the results of a systematic spectral analysis of 350 bright GRBs observed with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE; spectral range ~ 30 keV - 2 MeV) with high temporal and spectral resolution. The sample was selected from the complete set of 2704 BATSE GRBs based on their energy fluence or peak photon flux values in order to assure good statistics, and included 17 short GRBs. To obtain well-constrained spectral parameters, several photon models were used to fit each spectrum. Spectral parameters resulting from the fits using different models were compared, and the spectral parameters that best represent each spectrum were statistically determined, taking into account the parameterization differences among the models. A thorough analysis was performed on 350 time-integrated and 8459 time-resolved burst spectra, and the effects of integration times in determining the spectral parameters were explored. Using the results, correlations among spectral parameters and their evolution pattern within each burst were studied. The resulting spectral catalog provides reliable constraints on particle acceleration and emission mechanisms in GRBs, and is the most comprehensive study of spectral properties of GRB prompt emission to date. The files containing the details of the spectral model fits to the GRBs are also available as data products associated with this Browse table.

Catalog Bibcode



The Complete BATSE Spectral Catalog of Bright Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Kaneko Y., Preece R.D., Briggs M.S., Paciesas W.S., Meegan C.A.,
    Band D.L.
   <Astrophys. J. Suppl. 166, 298 (2006)>


This table was created in May 2006 based on the electronic versions of Tables 1 and 9 from the published paper which were supplied by the author.

Data Products

The original BATSE GRB data are available by browsing the BATSEGRB table. The data products created by the authors of the present BATSE bright GRBs Spectral Catalog (BATSEGRBSP) are:

- BATSE Bright GRB Spectral Data (DIRECTORY)

For each GRB in this table, there is a directory containing 5 subdirectories with model names; BAND, BETA, COMP, PWRL, and SBPL. In each subdirectory, there are *.par files, for the time-integrated ("fluence") and time-resolved ("batch") spectra of the event. The *.par files are FITS files containing fitting results and photon spectrum information. Header of each extention describes the contents. The names of the files are in the form of


where the datatype can be hh = HERB, mc = MER, or co = CONT. The mc_* files do not have detector number (det#) in their names because there is only one MER datafile per event.

For SBPL, there are 8 submodels with modelnames:

   - sbpl      : SBPL w/ Break Scale Fixed to Time-Integrated Fit Value
   - sbpl0     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.01 Fixed
   - sbpl1     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.1  Fixed
   - sbpl2     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.2  Fixed
   - sbpl3     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.3  Fixed
   - sbpl4     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.4  Fixed
   - sbpl5     : SBPL w/ Break Scale = 0.5  Fixed
   - sbpl_5par : SBPL w/ Break Scale Varied

- There are also 2 files containing PDF figures; trig#_model_history.pdf and trig#_spec_history.pdf.

- trig#_model_history.pdf:

This plot shows the BEST model history in each burst coded by color. The BEST model is defined in Section 5.2 of Kaneko, et al. 2006, ApJS, in press. The plot is not available for the WEAK events** (17 total) because they provide only one spectrum each (i.e., time-resolved spectrum = time-integrated spectrum).

- trig#_spec_history.pdf:

This plot shows the BEST time-resolved spectral history from yellow to red, earlier to later, in Nu-Fnu. The BEST time-integrated spectra are plotted in the solid black curve. The blue-dashed curve represents the "constructed" fluence spectra, which is generated using the BEST time-resolved spectra (see Section 5.3 of Kaneko, et al. 2006, ApJS, in press). These plots for the WEAK events (17 total), for which only the time-integrated spectrum is available, show their BEST time-integrated spectra only.

HEASARC Implementation

The original tables used to construct this Browse table contained no positional information on the GRBs. To facilitate finding entries using positional searches, the HEASARC has added the parameters ra, dec, lii, bii and error_radius for the GRBs listed in this paper by matching them with the same bursts listed in the BATSEGRB table (also available in Browse).


The BATSE trigger number of the GRB.

The BATSE GRB designation, using the standard naming convention 'GRB YYMMDD', where 'YY' are the last 2 digits of the calendar year, 'MM' is the month number, and 'DD' is the day number on which the GRB occurred.

This parameter is a flag which is set to 'W' to indicate a weak burst, i.e., a burst for which only the time-integrated spectrum is available, or to 'C' for a calibration burst, i.e., a burst whose time-integrated spectrum was used for the calibration of the 8 BATSE Large Area Detectors (LADs) by Preece et al. (1998, ApJ, 496, 849). There are 17 weak bursts in this table:

         Name     Trigger #

        GRB 910609   298
        GRB 910626   444
        GRB 920329  1525
        GRB 921230  2112
        GRB 930905  2514
        GRB 931205  2679
        GRB 940624  3044
        GRB 940717  3087
        GRB 950210  3410
        GRB 950211  3412
        GRB 950805  3736
        GRB 951123  3917
        GRB 970523  6240
        GRB 970704  6293
        GRB 980330  6668
        GRB 990308  7457
        GRB 990619  7610

There are 8 calibration bursts:

         Name     Trigger #

        GRB 911118  1085
        GRB 911202  1141
        GRB 920311  1473
        GRB 921009  1983
        GRB 921123  2067
        GRB 921207  2083
        GRB 940429  2953
        GRB 941014  3241

The Right Ascension of the GRB in the selected equinox. This was not in the original tables from which this Browse table was constructed, but was instead obtained from the HEASARC Browse BATSEGRB table by matching with the bursts listed therein.

The Declination of the GRB in the selected equinox. This was not in the original tables from which this Browse table was constructed, but was instead obtained from the HEASARC Browse BATSEGRB table by matching with the bursts listed therein.

The Galactic Longitude of the GRB.

The Galactic Latitude of the GRB.

The positional uncertainty of the GRB, in degrees. This was not in the original tables from which this Browse table was constructed, but was instead obtained from the HEASARC Browse BATSEGRB table by matching with the bursts listed therein.

The GRB trigger time, in UT. This parameter was not in the original tables from which this Browse table was constructed, but was instead calculated by the HEASARC using the date encoded in the GRB name and the UT seconds in the day on which the GRB triggered (the seconds_trigger parameter).

The elapsed seconds (in UT) in the day on which the GRB triggered. Thus, a value of 120 for this parameter would correspond to a time of 00:02:00 UT.

The BATSE Large Area Detector (LAD) data type. The 3 LAD data types used in this study and present in this table are, in order of priority: High Energy resolution Burst (HERB) data, Medium Energy Resolution (MER) data, and Continuous (CONT) data. The characteristics of each data type are discussed in Section 2.3 and Table 2 of the published paper from which this Browse table was taken.

The LAD number(s) from which the GRB data were obtained.

The start of the time interval used in the spectral analysis of the GRB, in seconds since the trigger. The methodology for the selection of the time interval is discussed in Section 2.4 of the published paper.

The end of the time interval used in the spectral analysis of the GRB, in seconds since the trigger. The methodology for the selection of the time interval is discussed in Section 2.4 of the published paper.

The lower bound of the energy interval used in the analysis of the GRB, in keV. The methodology for the selection of the energy range is discussed in Section 2.5 of the published paper.

The upper bound of the energy interval used in the analysis of the GRB, in keV. The methodology for the selection of the energy range is discussed in Section 2.5 of the published paper.

The number of time-resolved spectra analyzed for the GRB.

The name of the BEST spectral fit model for the time-integrated spectrum of the GRB: 'BAND' for the Band et al. (1993, ApJ, 413, 281) model, 'BETA' for the variation of the 'BAND' model with a fixed value of the high-energy index beta, 'COMP' for the Comptonized model, 'PWRL' for the power-law model, and 'SBPL' for the smoothly broken power-law model. The models used in the spectral fitting are discussed in more detail in Section 3.2 of the published paper.

The amplitude parameter of the BEST spectral fit model, in photon/s/cm^2/keV.

The one-sigma uncertainty in the amplitude parameter, in photon/s/cm^2/keV.

The peak energy E(peak) in (nu * F(nu)) space of the BEST spectral fit model, in keV. This parameter is the fitted E(peak) value for the BAND and COMP models, and the calculated E(peak) value for the SBPL model, as discussed in Appendix B of the published paper.

The one-sigma uncertainty in the peak energy, in keV.

The lower-energy power-law index parameter: lambda for the PWRL model, alpha_eff for the BAND and COMP models, and lambda(1) for the SBPL model.

The one-sigma uncertainty in the lower-energy power-law index parameter.

The higher-energy power-law index parameter: beta for the BAND model and lambda(2) for the SBPL model.

The one-sigma uncertainty in the higher-energy power-law index parameter.

The spectral break energy parameter, E(b), in keV: this is the fitted E(b) for the SBPL model, and the calculated E(b) for the BAND model, as discussed in Appendix C of the published paper.

The one-sigma uncertainty in the spectral break energy parameter, in keV.

The break scale parameter, present only in the SBPL model, in decades of energy. The break scale determines the width of the transition region from the lower-energy power-law index (low_pl_index) to the higher-energy power-law index (high_pl_index).

The chi-squared value for the BEST spectral-fit model. Note that small chi^2 values are expected for the calibration bursts by default.

The number of degrees of freedom for the BEST spectral-fit model.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the BATSEGRBSP database table can be addressed to the HEASARC User Hotline.

Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Thursday, 14-Sep-2006 16:06:40 EDT