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Insurance Programs

Flexible Spending Accounts

Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS)

If you're an employee who works for an Executive branch agency or an agency that has adopted the Federal Flexible Benefits Plan ("FedFlex"), you can elect to participate in the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS).

FSAFEDS offers three different flexible spending accounts (FSAs):  a health care flexible spending account, a limited expense health care flexible spending account, and a dependent care flexible spending account.

Eligible employees can enroll in FSAFEDS each year during the Federal Benefits Open Season (the November/December timeframe).  Open Season enrollments are effective January 1 of the following year.  Current enrollees must remember to enroll each year to continue participating in FSAFEDS.  Enrollment does NOT carry forward year to year.

New and newly eligible employees who wish to enroll in this program must do so within 60 days after they become eligible, but before October 1 of the calendar year.

For further information, visit www.FSAFEDS.com or call 1-877-372-3337. TTY 1-800-952-0450.