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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Section 7
7.0 Introduction

The UMLS is available on a single disk DVD which contains the three UMLS Knowledge Sources in three compressed format files (.nlm data format)

UMLS licensees may request the DVD from and must include their license number in the request.

7.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

7.1.1 Supported Operating Systems

*Linux note: The specific version fully validated is Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS, Version 3. Other versions should also work; NLM will post reports of other Linux versions as users report success.

**Macintosh note: MetamorphoSys requires Java 1.5. Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" does not support Java 1.5. Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard", expected to be released later this year, will support Java 1.5.

7.1.2 Hardware Requirements

7.2 Installing from the DVD

Insert the DVD into a DVD-ROM drive. DVD-ROMs must be mounted as UDF, the standard file system type for all DVDs. File length validation errors and other errors will result if a non-UDF drive is used. For best results the drive should be 6X or faster.

Start the MetamorphoSys install program:


Linux, Solaris, and Macintosh

The Install UMLS Metathesaurus progress monitor charts the process through:

If selected, Semantic Network and SPECIALIST Lexicon files are copied first. Accept the License Agreement notice to proceed with customizing the Metathesaurus.

Select "Cancel" to exit MetamorphoSys at any time. The interrupted process cannot be resumed. The configuration must be recalled (if saved), or recreated (if not saved), and subsetting must be started again.

MetamorphoSys produces an initial install.log file of the installation up to the start of Metathesaurus subsetting. If files pass validation, processing continues and subsetting begins. If validation fails, a warning is displayed and recorded in install.log.

When subsetting is complete, configuration settings are displayed on the screen and also written to "mmsys.log" in the directory containing the subsetted files. Your customized Metathesaurus files are located in the destination directory.

For more information on running MetamorphoSys see Section 6 of this documentation.

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First published: 17 November 2008
Last updated: 17 November 2008
Date Archived: 03 April 2009
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