Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972054

Proposal Number: 22.04-5105

Project Title: Very High Performance RISC/DSP

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

The PMEL (Processor Memory Element)architecture is a means of using internal parallelism in a chip design to perform DSP or RISC processing. The internal processing in the chip under a single program counter permits an 800% increase in performance. Although a VLIW instruction stream is used, this is NOT a classical VLIW design. The unique PMEL structure using on chip "intelligent memory" eliminates a von Neumann bottleneck in the data store cycle. This includes the path from the ALU data execution to the storage in register memory. This is accomplished by an efficient bussing scheme which permits a one cycle fetch, execute, and save. If a 250 MHZ clock is used to process instructions, the architecture outputs operations at 2000 MIPS, so that there is no additional power dissipation penalty associated with the significant performance increase. The increase in performance without severe power penalties offers NASA a computational device with potential for a variety of agency needs.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

The commercial potential for the PMEL is quite significant because of the current demand for improved performance for RISC and DSP processors. A specific approach is to obtain a licenseing agreement with a DSP or RISC computer manufacturer, and clone that design using the internal structure of the PMEL, so that the PMEL functions as a "workalike".

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Sy Greenfield

S-Chips Technology

suite 300, 160 Speen Street

Framingham, , MA 01701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Sy Greenfield

S-Chips Technology

suite 300, 160 Speen Street

Framingham, , MA 01701