Form 9.B Project Summary

Chron: 972434

Proposal Number: 20.11-2748

Project Title: Force-Output Microactuator For Precision Active Optics incorporating a Passive Thermal Release Lockdown Mechanism

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

NASA is evaluating mission critical requirements for future astrophysics missions such as SIM, SIRTF, NGST and NMP. New approaches to optics for high precision angular resolution and figure control are needed to meet these challenges. Although position actuators might meet the requirements for rigid body motions of the deployed primary and secondary mirrors (i.e. edge alignment and tip-tilt mirror control), they are unsuited to flexible-body control of the active optics (i.e. shape control). Acquiring and maintaining the optical figure requires a different solution - force control actuation. Such force output actuators must maintain shape of primary and secondary optics against gravity release, thermal excursion, temperature gradients and structural creep. This proposal aims to develop a force-output actuatorthat will meet NGST active optics requirements during launch, deployment, recalibration and observatory phases of the mission. The design is based upon recent advances in active materials and flextensional actuator design. The design incorporates an optional passive (thermally activated) lock-down mechanism for the primary optics needed for launch that automatically releases without power or complex mechanical interactions.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

EMF and TRW will be seeking commercial telecommunication satellite application of the proposed technology which require precision alignment to include line-of-sight data transfer. Burleigh Instruments, a worldwide marketer of nonopositioning systems, is interested to investigate with EMF the use of the multilayer-multistack cymbal actuator to enable a new class of larger throw (340um v.200um) higher bandwidth micropositioners. The larger available throw and higher bandwidth of operation (600Hz v. 80Hz) of these devices will benefit optical alignment, micromanipulators and precision translators and create additional markets in lightweight, adaptive optical systems. The ability of the proposed force actuator development to accurately control the figure at high frequency, for ground applications, without inducing local stresses and accomodating local failure, is extremely attractive for commercialization. EMF is exploring such applications with SSG, Inc. and Hughes-Danbury Optical Systems. However, one of the greatest impact could be to early detection and non-intrusive surgery through advances in medical diagnotic equipment.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Gareth J. Knowles

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Karla K. Sexton

EMF Industries, Inc.

1700 Riverside Drive

South Williamsport , PA 17701