Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Non-Destructive In Situ Detection of

Nucleic and Amino Acids

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

We propose development of a laser capable of

emission at appropriate deep UV and visible

wavelengths to enable a nucleic and amino acid

detection system with low mass, low power

consumption, low cost, and non-destructive

characteristics, making this instrument highly

attractive for in situ exploration of Mars and


All known examples of self-replicating terrestrial

organisms contain nucleic and amino acids.

Deep UV excitation (222-251 nm) of nucleic acids,

aromatic amino acids, or proline can produce a

Raman resonance event. Resonance response

increases signal strength by 102 to 104. Excitation

at these deep UV wavelengths avoids almost all

fluorescence activity usually encountered in

biological material, permitting (under controlled

laboratory conditions) the detection of a single


The enabling break-throughs for in situ use of this

technology are recent advances in hollow cathode

metal ion lasers and miniature, monolithic

spectrometers as detectors. It is now feasible to

fabricate deep UV lasers 10-15 cm in length, 2-4 cm

in diameter, weighing 50-100 grams with an

electronics package of comparable size, and

drawing only 2-3 watts of electrical power. These

lasers are the enabling technology for the

micro-miniature extant life detectors and the focus

of the proposed development.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Deep UV sources of light are of great interest for a

wide range of biotechnology instrumentation

applications because of the ability to induce

fluorescence or Raman response in fluorophors

which occur naturally in most biological materials.

Presently the only sources of deep UV light for

these instruments are deuterium lamps or xenon

flashlamps. Both of these sources of deep UV are

very limited in source radiance and therefore are

very limited in their ability to induce response in

small sample volumes.

Because of the ongoing need to increase the speed

and specificity of analytical instruments, lasers are

increasingly used as light sources. Because of the

lack of availability of inexpensive, reliable, deep

UV lasers, present instruments commonly employ

visible lasers in conjunction with dye tags to identify

the biochemicals of interest. These dye molecules

are often as large as the molecules being

investigated and significantly alter the chemistry

and therefore the reliability of the results.

The deep UV hollow cathode metal ion lasers being

proposed eliminate the need for dye tagging and

are capable of providing over 10,000 times the

source radiance of a deuterium lamp at comparable

prices. This will significantly influence the future

design of instruments such as capillary

electrophoresis instruments, high performance

liquid chromatographs, DNA sequencers, and flow


Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Mr. Ray Reid

Photon Systems

1518A Industrial Park St.

Covina , CA 91722

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Dr. William Hug

Photon Systems

1518A Industrial Park St.

Covina , CA 91722