Form 9.B Project Summary



Proposal Number:


Project Title:

Large-Scale Performance

Improvements of RBCC Engines Using

the Dynamic Ejector

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

A unique and innovative approach to significantly

increasing the thrust performance of

ejector-configured, rocket-based combined-cycle

(RBCC) engines is proposed. The approach

involves oscillating (switching) the rocket exhaust

at high frequency (the dynamic ejector), rather than

permitting it to simply flow coaxially with the

induced air as in a conventional ejector

configuration. Since the sole mechanism for

transferring momentum and energy between the

two streams in a conventional ejector is viscous

shear through turbulent jet mixing, very large

losses result. This leads to lower thrust levels

(hence, specific impulse) than those achievable

using a more efficient method of momentum and

energy exchange. It is shown herein that oscillation

of the rocket exhaust using secondary fluid

injection (as in thrust vector control techniques)

results in a far more efficient transfer of momentum

and energy, leading to very significant increases in

specific impulse, probably in excess of 50% thrust

augmentation. The proposed concept is responsive

to the solicitation's subtopic calling for "high thrust

performance of take-off of the

hypersonic vehicle..." Indeed, the performance

benefits derived from the proposed concept occur

principally at take-off.

Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

Ejector ram/scramjets will be found to be a cost

effective, high performance propulsion system

technology in the near future. The participants in

NASA's ARTT program have already committed to

this technology. We will seek to move the

technology developed in Phases I and II into

prototype and full-scale engine development in

Phase III, with application to three market sectors:

the military, civil and commercial marketplaces,

both domestic and foreign. The Phase III objectives

will be to continue the process of evolving the

integrated, dynamic ejector-based, RBCC ejector

ram/scramjet, and further reducing the technology

risk through system demonstration at the

prototype, then full-scale level. The reduction of

technical risk is a required precursor to the

reduction of business risk. This, then, is a precursor

to positive investment decisions.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Wallace Chinitz

GASL, Inc.

77 Raynor Avenue

Ronkonkoma , NY 11747-6648

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


John I. Erdos

GASL, Inc.

77 Raynor Avenue

Ronkonkoma , NY 11747-6648