Form 9.B Project Summary






Project Title:

Multimeasurand Optical Fiber Sensors

for Flight Test Applications

Technical Abstract (Limit 200 words)

Optical fiber sensors are rapidly emerging to

replace conventional electrical-based sensor

instrumentation in specific applications where small

size, low mass, multiplexing capability, and high

temperature resistance is a requirement. The

advantages offered by state-of-the-art optical fiber

sensors are particularly important for flight testing

applications where the extremely low-profile

geometry of a hair-thin optical fiber sensor permits

precise measurements of pressure, temperature,

skin friction, and heat flux with minimal intrusion

into the flow field. F&S, Inc. and researchers within

Virginia Tech's Aerospace Engineering

Department propose to develop a novel combined

optical fiber pressure, temperature, and skin

friction gage for distributed hypersonic flow

measurements during aircraft testing. The Virginia

Tech subcontract will be under the direction of Dr.

Joe Schetz who is a world expert in the modeling

and measurement of complex flow fields and the

first researcher to simultaneously measure skin

friction and heat flux at a single location. During

Phase I, together with Dr. Schetz, F&S proposes to

leverage previous experience in the development of

combined optical fiber pressure and skin friction

sensors developed primarily for wind tunnel

applications and investigate the feasibility of

miniaturizing and ruggedizing these sensor arrays

to make them compatible with the harsh aircraft


Potential Commercial Applications (Limit 200 words)

In addition to NASA's need for high-performance

optical fiber sensors for flight test applications,

there is a large commercial market for such sensors

for wind tunnel test applications, transportation

system design, development and operation,

semiconductor fabrication, commercial jet engines,

automobile engines, the metal, ceramic and wood

processing industries, and the power generation and

monitoring systems for coal-fired, nuclear and

fuel-cell technologies. F&S has also identified many

end users of micromachined optical fiber sensors

within the government such as Air Force, NASA,

DARPA, Navy, and the DOE.

Name and Address of Principal Investigator (Name,

Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)

Scott Meller

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060

Name and Address of Offeror (Firm Name, Mail Address,


Garnett S. Linkous

F&S, Inc.

2801 Commerce Street

Blacksburg , VA 24060