NASA 1996 SBIR Phase I

PROPOSAL NUMBER : 96-1 04.01-2888

PROJECT TITLE : : Energy Momentum Wheels (EMWs) For Satellites and Other Applications With E-Beam Cured Composite Rotor


The proposed research project will address the application of the Energy Momentum Wheel (EMW), in the form of a high energy density Electron- Beam (EB) cured composite rotor to satellite systems. The EMW combines the function of energy storage (a battery) and momentum management (an attitude control momentum wheel) into a single device. Two such devices may be able to provide the complete energy storage and attitude control for many satellite missions. The successful application of the EMW to satellite systems holds the promise of significantly reducing a satelliteƕs mass and cost when contrasted with the traditionally satellite architecture which separates the energy storage and momentum management functions. One of the cost drivers in manufacturing an EMW is the flywheel rotors with Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs), and one of the elements having the greatest effect on quality and performance, is the standard cure process. Thermal cure of PMCs requires relatively long cure times and high energy consumption. The conventional autoclave/oven curing process also creates residual thermal stresses, produces volatile toxic side-products, uses resins that have short pot lives, and requires expensive tooling tolerant to very high temperature and pressure levels. EB curing of composites can minimize or eliminate those problems.
AFS is convinced that the successful E-Beam curing of composite EMW rotor design development and test program as proposed herein will offer an absolutely crucial enabling technology foundation for full commercialization and timely deployment of Electro-Mechanical Flywheel Batteries (EMFBs). EB curing of composite rotors, which cures by crosslinking, will facilitate commercialization (reduced cost) and production rates (reduced cure time) that are presently unachievable utilizing conventional thermal-curing technology . This EMFB program will provide a pivotal technological base for electric vehicle (EV) propulsion, an energy storage and delivery system for industrial and utility use and a capability to support renewable energy such as from solar or wind power. AFS expects that the proposed advanced low-cost flywheel rotor will reduce costs by nearly 25% for that projected for the pre-commercial AFS EMFB at nominally $540/kWh. AFS has set a cost goal of between $250/kWh and $350/kWh depending on the market application for its EMFB, which has been demonstrated to be cost competitive in transportation and stationary energy-storage markets.
Mr. John V. Coyner
American Flywheel Systems, Inc.
P .O. Box 1341
Conifer, Colorado 80433
American Flywheel Systems, Inc.
Post Office Box 449
Medina, Washington 98039