NASA SBIR 02-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER:02- H2.01-7744 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 024255 )
SUBTOPIC TITLE: In Situ Resources Utilization of Planetary Materials for Human Space Missions
PROPOSAL TITLE: Carbothermal Lunar Regolith Processing System (CLRPS)

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Orbital Technologies Corp
Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive
Madison , WI   53717 - 1961
(608 ) 827 - 5000

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Robert J. Gustafson
Space Center, 1212 Fourier Drive
Madison , WI   53717 - 1961
(608 ) 827 - 5000

ORBITEC proposes to develop an integrated carbothermal lunar regolith processing system (CLRPS) to produce oxygen and a variety of other useful materials to support future lunar exploration activities. The CLRPS utilizes carbothermal reduction of regolith via a direct energy source to extract oxygen, silicon, iron, ceramics, and other useful by-products from lunar regolith. The CLRPS products would be used for life support, propellant applications, solar cells (Si), electric wire or metal parts (Fe) and other infrastructure development (e.g. ceramics/bricks, fibers for composites, etc.). The CLRPS concept eliminates many of the problems found with other lunar oxygen production approaches, such as the continuous need for high-temperature containers from Earth, reagents that are consumed during processing, and extensive beneficiation of the lunar regolith prior to processing. The CLRPS would be designed to operate virtually anywhere on the surface of the Moon and the technology could be extended for use on Mars or various asteroids. Phase I will involve prototype design and testing, research and design of the support systems, and investigation of available direct energy heating sources. Phase II will involve design, development, and testing of a closed-loop prototype CLRPS unit.

Development of technologies required for the processing of carbon monoxide could lead to methods of removing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and in support of reducing harmful emissions from waste streams in terrestrial processes. Processes developed here may have direct application to commercial exploitation of space resources through direct energy processing while creating propellants for return missions to Earth.

The results of this effort are applicable to future exploration and/or colonization missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Efficient and reliable production of oxygen and metals on the Moon will enhance and/or enable a variety of solar system exploration programs by providing a very cost-effective supply of oxygen in addition to other raw materials. The CLRPS products would be used for life support, propellants, solar cells (Si), electric wire or metal parts (Fe) and other infrastructure development (e.g. ceramics/bricks, fibers for composites, etc.). Processes that are developed here for oxygen production from CO/CO2 may have direct applications on Mars.

Form Printed on 09-05-02 10:10