NASA SBIR 02-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER:02- A8.02-7966 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 024033 )
SUBTOPIC TITLE: Revolutionary Flight Concepts
PROPOSAL TITLE: Robust Flow Control For Radically Enhanced Natural Laminar Flow Wings

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Eidetics Corporation
3425 Lomita Blvd.
Torrance , CA   90505 - 5010
(310 ) 326 - 8228

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Michael Kerho
3425 Lomita Blvd.
Torrance , CA   90505 - 5010
(310 ) 326 - 8228

Airfoil stagnation point control has the potential to significantly improve the performance of aircraft by producing a radically enhanced natural laminar flow (NLF) low drag wing. By controlling the stagnation point location of an NLF airfoil, the range of low drag lift coefficients can be extended by up to 100%. The objective of this Phase I proposal is to design a hinge-less variable camber full span trailing-edge for airfoil stagnation point control utilizing compliant monolithic structures. The system will provide a significantly enhanced performance envelope for any aircraft able to utilize an NLF wing. In addition to stagnation point control, the system will provide full lateral and lift distribution control of the vehicle while producing a lower radar cross-section, better battle tolerance, and increased maneuvering capability. The new design will provide increased maximum lift in the low drag bucket of the airfoil, thus providing better performance at the design point for the beginning of cruise, resulting in a higher altitude, or more payload to altitude, or more fuel to altitude for longer endurance. Additionally, the drag at low lift coefficients will also be decreased providing higher dash speeds.

The commercialization potential is excellent for a highly aerodynamically efficient, reliable and maintainable compliant wing system utilizing stagnation point control with low observable potential. It is recognized that long endurance aircraft in the form of uninhabited air vehicles (UAVs) and high altitude aircraft are expected to play an increasingly important role in military and civilian operations from tactical reconnaissance and uninhabited combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) to high altitude communications relays and environmental sampling. The aviation industry will be eager to exploit the advantages of the current stagnation point control based design. This new design approach will deliver the advantages sought by the mission adaptive wing concept but with much lower weight and much lower cost of manufacture, and be applicable throughout the aviation community. Both the commercial and military airframe designers will find the technology extremely appealing, allowing significant commercialization potential.

The proposed highly aerodynamically efficient, reliable and maintainable compliant wing system utilizing stagnation point control has significant potential application in several NASA programs. The compliant trailing-edge/stagnation point control system could be fielded in several NASA aircraft including manned and unmanned systems. NASA designers will be eager to exploit the advantages of the current stagnation point control based design. This new design approach will deliver radically enhanced performance as compared to traditional laminar flow wings in a low risk package. The system will be applicable throughout NASA's aviation community.

Form Printed on 09-05-02 10:10