NASA SBIR 02-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER:02- A3.01-8246 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 023753 )
SUBTOPIC TITLE: Small Aircraft Transportation System Technologies
PROPOSAL TITLE: SATS Virtual Market Place Facilitating Traffic Flow Management

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Metron Inc
11911 Freedom Drive
Reston , VA   20190 - 2835
(703 ) 234 - 0782

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Chris Brinton
131 Elden Street
Herndon , VA   20170 - 2835
(703 ) 787 - 8700

The Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) concept envisions a dramatic change in demand on National Airspace System (NAS) resources: a significantly increased number of flights operating as needed on Point-to-Point (PTP) routes with smaller aircraft. In addition to the increased demand on the NAS, the dynamic, ?on-demand?, nature of the SATS concept will present even greater challenges to the country?s Traffic Flow Management (TFM) system. The NAS regulates the flow of aircraft through TFM initiatives. However, the current TFM system does not perform well under uncertain demand patterns. The innovation proposed herein creates a website marketplace for providers and consumers of SATS services. More importantly, our innovation links the information from this SATS website to the Nation?s TFM system. Critical information regarding projected demand can be provided to the TFM system to allow the necessary management of the NAS. Advanced portions of this concept include interactivity between the SATS website and the TFM system to notify consumers of small aircraft transportation services regarding projected delays due to congestion along their requested route of flight at their requested flight time.

Significant potential exists for commercial applications of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Virtual Marketplace (SATS-VMP) innovation proposed herein. The SATS-VMP web-site leverages the existing technology of the Internet and World Wide Web to create a marketplace for transactions between buyers and sellers of SATS aviation services. The development, hosting and management of the SATS-VMP web-site is an excellent commercial opportunity for this innovation. Metron Aviation has the infrastructure, expertise, staff and financial resources to host the SATS-VMP web-site. This provides commercial opportunities using multiple revenue models associated with Internet websites, including advertising and commission on sales. Metron Aviation has demonstrated the financial ability to develop and successfully market commercial aviation applications by producing the Enhanced Substitution Module (ESM), which is a commercial tool used operationally by numerous airlines to interact with the Traffic Flow Management System of the National Airspace System.

The Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) concept envisions a dramatic change in demand on National Airspace System (NAS) resources: a significantly increased number of flights operating as needed on Point-to-Point (PTP) routes with smaller aircraft. In addition to the increased demand on the NAS, the dynamic, ?on-demand?, nature of the SATS concept will present even greater challenges to the country?s Traffic Flow Management (TFM) system. In order to achieve NASA?s goals for the SATS concept, modern TFM decision support systems will be necessary to enable the SATS concept by handling the increased volume as efficiently as possible. Metron Aviation has led the research and development of numerous systems that interface directly to the TFM system. Many of these systems that improve the efficiency and flexibility of the TFM system have been developed through NASA funding.

Form Printed on 09-05-02 10:10