NASA SBIR 02-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER:02- A1.04-8884 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 023115 )
SUBTOPIC TITLE: Aircraft Icing Systems
PROPOSAL TITLE: Low-Power Aircraft Deicing System

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Continuum Dynamics, Inc.
34 Lexington Avenue
Ewing , NJ   08618 - 2302
(609 ) 538 - 0444

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)
Robert M. McKillip, Jr.
34 Lexington Avenue
Ewing , NJ   08618 - 2302
(609 ) 538 - 0444

Two novel approaches for providing de-icing of aerodynamic surfaces are proposed for research and development. The first represents a ?snap through? actuation mechanism that can abruptly and reversibly alter the shape of aerodynamic surfaces in-flight to discrete self-locking positions. The snap-through system is ideally suited for deicing by providing mechanical debonding and removal of accreted ice with minimal weight and power requirements. The second mechanism incorporates interleaved sliding surfaces that provide suitable surface strains for debonding accreted ice on airfoils. Both systems incorporate Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) materials as their prime movers. SMA-based systems are more durable than pneumatic systems and provide higher force and strain output per unit volume than other smart material based actuators. The proposed methods offer up to an order of magnitude reduction in required power over other impulsive electromechanical technologies due to the modest currents required for SMA wire heating. In Phase I, dynamic models of each of the devices will be developed and demonstration models constructed and tested to establish effectiveness for representative deicing situations. Construction and testing of a full-scale prototype will be performed in Phase II.

The proposed deicing system(s) for aerodynamic surfaces can be applied on all commercial aircraft certified for flight in instrument meteorological conditions. The device?s low power, light weight, small size, robust operation and potentially low cost give it a significant market advantage over current technology de-icing systems. The technology may provide enhanced icing protection for rotorcraft, with significant power reductions over current thermal surface heating systems.

The deicing systems proposed for R&D directly supports NASA?s continuing interest in researching the most effective means for aircraft icing detection, removal, and mitigation. The resulting system could be used to help support various research programs investigating these technologies in the NASA Glenn Icing Tunnel or on NASA?s Icing Research Aircraft (Twin Otter); additionally, it may also provide technology to support various NASA initiatives in rotorcraft icing research.

Form Printed on 09-05-02 10:10