NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: H2.01-9697 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 012302 )
Carbon Monoxide Metal Oxide Reduction System

The Carbon Monoxide Metal Oxide Reduction System (COMORS) is a method of producing useful oxygen by reducing oxides found in Lunar and Martian surface material. The COMORS heats the oxides to temperatures where the oxygen atoms combine with carbon monoxide gas acting as a reducing agent, producing carbon dioxide. The CO2 is reduced with hydrogen in a reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reactor, and the CO is recycled to the metal oxide reactor. The water produced in the RWGS reaction is electrolyzed; the oxygen is stored and the hydrogen recycled to the RWGS reactor. The COMORS is similar to some hydrogen/ilmenite reduction methods proposed for Lunar missions. Unlike the hydrogen based methods, however, the carbon monoxide/RWGS cycle can operate with higher energy efficiencies, lower losses, and lower temperatures. The concept is very applicable to reduction of Mars metal oxides since the greater content of iron oxides in Mars minerals will result in greater oxygen production for a given unit of oxide feed. This proposal demonstrates CO reduction methods for reducing metallic minerals on the Moon and Mars for oxygen production for human exploration.

The potential commercial applications of the COMORS are numerous. High-quality iron will be produced at lower cost using pure carbon monoxide reductant rather than coal-based reductant that contains impurities that must be removed using consumable additives, more oxygen, and longer heating times. The replacement of coal-based reductant will eliminate coke-oven emissions and production of hazardous byproducts. The economics of steelmaking will be further improved since the COMORS provides an on-site source of high-purity oxygen than can be used for decarburization, desiliconization, and reduction of heating times (resulting in increased productivity). The primary commercial advantage of a combined metal oxide reduction/RWGS system is that it can cut CO2 emissions dramatically since it consumes only an electrical energy input and produces a clean oxygen effluent. As nations strive to reduce CO2 emissions, the iron oxide reduction energy requirement can be shifted from dirty carbon-based sources to clean renewable sources to greatly reduce CO2 emissions currently associated with iron and steel production.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Robert Zubrin
Pioneer Astronautics
11111 W. 8th Avenue, Unit A
Lakewood , CO   80215 - 5516

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Pioneer Astronautics
11111 W. 8th Avenue, Unit A
Lakewood , CO   80215 - 5516

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44