NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: E3.02-8972 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 013027 )
A Plan Execution System For Web-Based Scientific Data Integration

The sheer quantity of data available to scientists via the Internet is staggering, and more is being collected, aggregated and processed daily. Unfortunately, this data is scattered in collections throughout the network, stored in a variety of formats, and accessible via many different types of programs. NASA is a primary producer of scientific data, as well as an important consumer of such data, and thus developing systems to help scientists access, integrate and process large volumes of heterogeneous data is clearly in NASA's interest. Theseus is a commercial high-performance plan execution system for integrating web-based data. We propose to extend the Theseus architecture to create a practical system that will make it relatively easy for earth scientists to access, integrate and process large volumes of scientific data distributed over the Internet. Theseus employs a dataflow architecture for plan execution, which we can leverage to create an innovative, scalable approach for processing distributed scientific data. The resulting system will be used as part of a collaborative ongoing effort with scientists from NASA Ames and University of Montana?s Forestry school who are applying AI planning technology to ?Biospheric NowCasting? -- real-time ecosystem modeling from Earth Science data.

The commercial potential of the work is high. Though the market for scientific data integration is relatively small, there exists a much larger potential market for applications involving imagery and imagery related products. The ability to organize and access imagery combined with maps and other geospatial data is increasingly valuable. We expect that the technology enhancements proposed in this SBIR would eventually enable us to release and enhanced version of the Fetch Platform for integrating geo-spatial information. This product will enable geospatial information to be flexibly integrated for application-domains (like that described this proposal) where multiple sources of information must be integrated with maps and/or satellite images. Potential customers, in addition to U.S. military and intelligence services, include insurance companies, environmental organizations, emergency response/aid organizations, news organizations, mining and oil companies, timber harvesters, and even film companies (for location management).

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Steven Minton
Fetch Technologies
4676 Admiralty Way, 10th floor
Marina del Rey , CA   90292 - 6611

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Fetch Technologies
4676 Admiralty Way, 10th floor
Marina del Rey , CA   90292 - 6611

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44