NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: B3.03-9568 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 012431 )
Neural Network Based Bioimpedance Cardiac Output Monitor

The final goal of this proposal is to develop a non-invasive, ambulatory technique for cardiac output (CO) computation by which conventional bioimpedance data are processed by a Neural Network (NN) to produce a CO measurement, useful during extended duration flight in space missions. We will develop a NN by which CO can be reconstructed from bioimpedance measurements, thus allowing the use of an accurate, portable and affordable device for monitoring and diagnostic purposes. Our preliminary work indicates that a NN based algorithm can capture the information present in the bioimpedance signal to accurately compute the CO value.

Phase I will test the feasibility of developing the NN implementation necessary to compute the CO from bioimpedance data. In Phase I we will develop and test a prototype that will integrate the bioimpedance stimulator/acquisition front end, and signal processing into a cost-effective, ambulatory CO monitor unit. Phase II will complete verification and validation of the system. We believe that this novel application of signal processing and NNs has the potential to bring a totally new CO monitor to the market.

Successful completion of the proposed development program will result in a new, easy-to-use system that will advance CO monitoring capabilities for crew health assurance during space missions.

Our improved CO monitoring technique will have a great impact particularly in those specialties that benefit the most from free mobility and reduced signal artifacts. Among the patients in the United States who will benefit from this technology are 60 million hypertensive patients, five million congestive heart failure patients, and one million pacemaker patients. The worldwide potential market for bioimpedance CO monitors is estimated to be $4 billion, in addition to an estimated $800 million in disposables. In addition $52 billion annual healthcare costs are associated with cardiovascular disease. Because of the device's advanced capabilities, it is forecasted in the third year to capture a modest $10 million of the worldwide market.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Fernando Casas
1771 E. 30th St
Cleveland , OH   44114 - 4407

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
1771 E. 30th St
Cleveland , OH   44114 - 4407

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44