NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: B2.01-9246 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 012753 )
Advanced Humidity Control for Small Volumes (HUMSV)

ORBITEC proposes the development of a new approach to bi-directional humidity control with the potential for providing a low cost highly reliable miniature humidity control system with no moving parts: Highly Reliable Humidity Control for Small Volumes. (HUMSV) The main innovation of the system is the proper configuration of a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and a hydrophilic material, to allow capillary movement of moisture from one side of the TEC to the other. The process can be directed to bring moisture to a control volume or to dehumidify the control volume. This system has the potential to be orders of magnitude lighter and smaller than any existing humidity control system. The use of capillary forces in place of conventional fluid handling hardware (pumps, valves, reservoirs, and de-gassers) reduces cost, weight and volume. The proposed design removes those components that most often lead to breakdowns, thereby dramatically increasing reliability. The system has the potential to allow efficient, low mass, low cost environmental control on volumes as small as 1cm3 and as large as 1m3 while offering unparalleled simplicity and reliability.

HUMSV is ideally suited to space-borne science where size and weight are crucial to successful hardware design. This technology may enable life science scientists to provide environmental control to each plant, each insect (or family of insects) or each cell culture. Other space applications include retrofit of existing biological specimen control volumes with humidity control, and as a condensation pump within the EVA space suit. A second use of HUMSV with vast potential is using the technology to condition electronics equipment. All electronics are very sensitive to moisture, with both high and low moisture levels decreasing lifetime. HUMSV has the capability to provide humidity control to every integrated circuit chip. The nature of HUMSV would allow it to be used on electronics both on the ground and in space without any modifications. Other applications of HUMSV include use inside sensors where moisture affects results, food storage, museum exhibits and possibly high performance sports wear.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Peter Kostka
Orbital Technologies Corporation
1212 Fourier Drive
Madison , WI   53717 - 1961

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Orbital Technologies Corporation
1212 Fourier Drive
Madison , WI   53717 - 1961

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44