NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: A8.02-8450 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 013549 )
A High Turn-Down Ratio, Low Emissions Combustor for Gas Turbine Engines

This proposal describes an innovative, high-efficiency, compact combustor for lean-premixed, low-emissions gas turbine systems and responds directly to NASA?s request for ?Innovative technologies relating to combustion processes, including fuel injectors, piloting, flameholding techniques for increased and performance and decreased emissions? under SBIR topic A8.02. The concept is based on previously demonstrated means for creating high mixing rate regions using multiple discrete axial vortices in the flow. This injector-mixer-flameholder shows promise for emissions reduction by ensuring rapid and complete, well controlled mixing. Another goal is an axial-vorticity fuel injection, mixing, and flame stabilization design that passively controls combustion instability and flashback by making the combustion region insensitive to axial flow oscillations. During previous work APRI has demonstrated the ability to stabilize flames in a geometry designed to provide open three-dimensional separations. The objective of the proposed Phase I is to demonstrate high mixing rates achievable in a geometry directly suitable to gas turbine combustors and to use data collected to develop a preliminary design of a combustor to be tested in Phase II. The Phase II effort will take advantage of the axial vorticity mixers and flame stabilizers to complete the design and test of a lean-premixed fuel-injector/flame-holder for gas turbine systems.

The axial-vorticity fuel-injector/flame-holder system described in this proposal is applicable to a wide variety of combustion systems. Aircraft gas turbines, industrial gas turbines, gaseous waste incinerators, and other industrial burners can benefit from the high mixing rate and flame stability characteristics of this design.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Thomas H. Sobota
Advanced Projects Research, Inc.
1925 McKinley Avenue, Suite B
La Verne , CA   91750 - 5800

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Advanced Projects Research, Inc.
1925 McKinley Avenue, Suite B
La Verne , CA   91750 - 5800

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44