NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: A7.02-9910 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 012089 )
Adjoint-Based Design Software Using Adaptive Finite Element Methods

ResearchSouth proposes to develop a powerful design optimization algorithm and software for advanced aerospace vehicles including the airframe aerodynamic shape and the integrated propulsion system. The innovation is to develop an algorithm using an adjoint-based methodology which formulates design optimization as a controls problem and yields all of the design parameters directly without iteration. This inverse design algorithm is currently being used for shape design of conventional aircraft. Our innovation is to develop this methodology for design of airframe-integrated configurations for application to airbreathing and combined cycle machines and other concepts. The significance is that this algorithm separates the geometric entities from the optimization process allowing an independent linkage with many CAD packages at much lower cost. The Phase I program will establish the methodology for an Euler equation adjoint, solve these adjoint equations with an existing adaptive-mesh finite element CFD code, research methodologies for including generalized constraints into the adjoint formulation, and compute a test case for an advanced aerospace vehicle. Phase II will develop the software into a production package to provide NASA with a powerful software tool to perform very efficient and rapid design assessment of evolving third generation space vehicles.

The software developed in this SBIR project will have a significant application in design of any commercial product which involves flow of a fluid or gas. Commercial airplanes can be designed with minimum drag for fuel efficiency with safety and noise reduction as constraints. Modern automobile designers are using wind tunnels and computer simulation of air flows to design aerodynamically stable bodies while maintaining safety and passenger comfort. The new optimization software can replace the heuristic methods currently in use. Watercraft design for small boats and large ships can use the tools to improve the design process. Additional applications include exhaust flow from automobiles, design of more efficient internal combustion engines, fuel economy studies for commercial airplanes, and design of air conditioning systems for large buildings.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Lawrence W. Spradley
ResearchSouth, Inc.
555 Sparkman Dr. Suite 1612
Huntsville , AL   35816 - 0000

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
ResearchSouth, Inc.
555 Sparkman Dr. Suite 1612
Huntsville , AL   35816 - 0000

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44