NASA SBIR 01-1 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: A6.01-9553 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 012446 )
Vector Inversion Power Conditioning for High Energy Propulsion Concepts

In this work, we will build and demonstrate a Spiral-line Vector Inversion Generator that can take electrostatically stored energy and convert it to high power, high frequency electromagnetic energy in essentially a one-component, one-step process. We will develop a theoretical description of the Vector Inversion Generator, extract design guidelines from the theory, and establish a relevant switch and materials data base for applications. Further, we will demonstrate that this device can operate, depending on the initial operating voltage, at power levels ranging from one kilowatt to gigawatts. This device will greatly simplify power conditioning in high energy pulsed electric thrusters since it effectively combines energy storage with power conditioning in one dynamic element. It allows a well defined and repeatable impulse bit to be delivered at high repetition rates. It may, in fact, enable some electric propulsion concepts for spacecraft applications ranging from simple station keeping to deep space propulsion. It is directly related to Sub-topic A6.01, High Energy Propulsion Technologies.

A low cost reliable high power pulser offers a wide array of commercial product potential. Commercial markets exist, to varying degrees, from laboratory impulse generators to commercial airport X-ray facilities for security purposes. There is a market for this technology in propulsion systems for advanced civil, military, and NASA spacecraft. The same pulser technology that can power electric thrusters in space can also be applied to many civil and commercial interests. There is a market for civil law enforcement in the field of portable high power X-ray facilities critical to the examination and evaluation of a potential bomb or other terriorist devices. Similarly, impulse radar is a standard military technique to "look several feet below the surface of the ground" in order to find subterranean tunnels, etc. There is an emerging market for impulse radar capable of "imaging through the walls" making it possible to see inside structures with surprising resolution. Impulse radar is being considered for automotive applications to both "look behind and forward" for collision advoidance. The inherent simplicity and low cost of Vector Inversion Generators make them ideal for these markets.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Dr. Franklin Rose
Radiance Technologies, Inc.
500 Wynn Dr. Suite 504
Huntsville , AL   35816 - 3430

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Radiance Technologies, Inc.
500 Wynn Dr. Suite 504
Huntsville , AL   35816 - 3430

Form Printed on 06-19-01 15:44