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Administration on Developmental Disabilitiesskip to primary page content

Colleague Letter Issued 8/29/00

Recommendations to PPR Performance Measures for FFY 2001

Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to announce that many of your ideas and suggestions are being incorporated into the Program Performance Report (PPR). ADD utilized three feedback mechanisms to gain insight and suggestions into the continued improvement of the PPR.

  1. Feedback questions sent to each Council provided information as to the easy and not-so-easy aspects of the technical components of the forms, and also provided many suggestions and ideas as to how the forms could be more user-friendly.
  2. A Focus Group of Council Executive Directors provided ADD with recommendations on improving the content of the document.
  3. The Technical Assistance contract commented and recommended on both the technical and contextual components of the PPR. The results were very similar from each of the three resources and a summary of the recommendations is enclosed.

The recommendations reduce the number of measures from 142 to 73. Also, along with the changes made to the measures, Councils wanted more space in the narrative portions of the PPR. ADD has responded by increasing the narrative sections by 500 characters for a total of 2,500 per narrative. Enclosed is a summary of the Recommendations to PPR Performance Measures for FFY 2001 and the revised Developmental Disabilities Council Annual Program Performance Report.

As you know, the reauthorization of the DD Act will require changes in the PPR and State Plans. ADD has begun to gather suggestions and recommendations from the network to ensure that those formats substantially reflect the reauthorized Act as well as the needs of ADD and its partners. Thank you for your participation and patience in this process.



Sue Swenson
Administration on Developmental Disabilities



Recommendations to PPR Performance Measures for FFY 2001

The recommended changes to the PPR Performance Measures come from a variety of sources. These include:  

  1. The EDS Feedback form developed by KRA
  2. The Executive Directors' Focus Group
  3. The Technical Assistance contract.

Each of these sources recommended the same general changes. These recommendations fall under the following categories:  

  1. Combine similar measures within Life Domains
  2. Determine measures that cut across all Life Domains and list them only once
  3. Eliminate sub-categories except those breaking down self-advocates and family members


1. Combining Similar Measures

The measures best combined within each category include " dollars leveraged", "programs/policies created/improved", and "disability/non-disability occupations."

  • There are currently 20 "dollars leveraged" measures across all Life Domains. Combining within each category to create 1 "dollars leveraged" measure per Life Domain would eliminate 14 measures.
  • The measures for programs/policies created/improved include 26 separate measures across all Life Domains. Combining within each category to create 1 "programs/policies created/improved" measure per Life Domain would eliminate 20 measures. Since the significant outcome is creation or improvement, it is unnecessary to differentiate between the types or whether they are public or private. In order to account for all variations on impacting policies, the measures can be re-phrased to read, "(type) programs/policies created or improved."
  • Distinctions are made between disability and non-disability occupations in each category for both facilitation and training. The original purpose for this distinction was to provide a mechanism for gauging facilitation and training outside of the disability field. It is suggested that such a distinction is best measured within the Community Inclusion category and does not need to be differentiated within the other Life Domains. There are 24 such measures across all Life Domains, 12 each for facilitation and training. Combining disability and non-disability measures would eliminate 12 measures. The measures can be re-phrased to "people facilitated x" and "people trained in x". Since the measures specific to self-advocates and families focus on "systems advocacy" as distinct from facilitation or training, it is not necessary to identify facilitators or trainees with the term "occupations."
  • It was suggested that measures #1 and # 2 within each category be combined and the wording changed. The distinction between systems outcomes (#1) and Council demonstration outcomes (#2) under each Life Domain are not necessary. It is recommended that these measures be combined into a single measure under each Life Domain. The measure can be re-phrased to "people have x through Council efforts."

2. Measures Across Life Domains

Three measures identified as reportable across all Life Domains include educating policymakers, products distributed and public awareness activities. There are 18 such measures across all Life Domains, including policymakers informed, copies of products distributed, and members of the general public reached. Providing one measure for each under a new crosscutting category would eliminate 15 measures. The new measures would be re-phrased as follows:  

  • Public policymakers educated about issues related to Council initiatives
  • Total copies of products distributed to policymakers about issues related to Council initiatives
  • Members of the general public reached by public education, awareness and media campaigns related to Council initiatives.

3. Sub Categories

Although the subcategories may provide some useful information to individual Councils, ADD does not report subcategory information to ACF, OMB, and Congress, and therefore does not need this information from the Program Performance Reports. Also, too few Councils were providing information in the subcategories to make any meaningful aggregate numbers. It is recommended that subcategories be eliminated except where self-advocates and family members are distinguished.


The following chart summarizes the overall recommendations for reducing the measures.

Measure Type Current New Reduction
Dollars Leveraged 20 6 14
Programs/Policies 26 6 20
Occupations Facilitating 12 6 6
Occupations Trained 12 6 6
Systems/Council Demonstrations 12 6 6
Policymakers 6 1 5
Products 6 1 5
Public Education/Awareness 6 1 5
Additional - D14, D16 2 0 2

Total Current Measures 142
Measures Recommended for Eliminated 69
Total Revised Measures 73

A1 People have control, choice and flexibility in the services/supports they receive through Council efforts (combines A1 and A2)
A2 People on waiting list(s) received services/supports (previously A3)
A3 Dollars leveraged for self-determination (combines A4 - A8)
A4 Self-determination programs/policies created/improved (combines A9 - 16)
A5 People facilitated self-determination (combines A17 and A18)
A6 People attained membership on public and private bodies and boards (previously A19)
A7 People trained in self-determination (combines A20 and A21)
A8 People active in systems advocacy about self-determination (previously A24)
A9 People trained in systems advocacy about self-determination (previously A25)
A10 People involved in services/supports evaluation (QA) activities (previously A26)
A11 Other (previously A28)

B1 Adults have jobs of their choice through Council efforts (combines B1 and B2)
B2 Dollars leveraged for employment programs (combines B3, B5 and B6)
B3 People on waiting list(s) received services/supports (previously B4)
B4 Employers provided vocational supports to students on the job (previously B7)
B5 Businesses/employers employed adults (previously B8)
B Employment programs/policies created/improved (combines B9 - B12)
B7 People facilitated employment (combines B13 and B14)
B8 People trained in employment (combines B15 and B16)
B9 People active in systems advocacy about employment (previously B19)
B10 Self-advocates & family members trained in systems advocacy about employment (previously B20)
B11 Other (previously B22)

C1 Individuals have homes of their choice through Council efforts (combines C1 and C2)
C2 People on waiting list(s) received services/supports (previously C3)
C3 People moved from congregate settings to homes in the community (previously C4)
C4 Dollars leveraged for housing (combines C5 - C7)
C5 Banks made mortgage funds available to enable people to own their own homes (previously C8)
C6 Housing programs/policies created/improved (combines C9 - C12)
C7 Units of affordable, accessible housing made available (previously C13)
C8 People facilitated home ownership/rental (combines C14 and C15)
C9 People received training in housing (combines C16 and C17)
C10 People active in systems advocacy about housing (previously C20)
C11 People trained in systems advocacy about housing (previously C21)
C12 Other (previously C23)

D1 People have needed health services through Council efforts (combines D1 and D2)
D2 People on waiting lists received services/supports (previously D3)
D3 Dollars leveraged for health services (combines D4 - D7)
D4 Health care programs/policies created/improved (combines D8 - D12)
D5 People improved health services (combines D13 - D15)
D6 People trained in health care services (combines D17 and D18)
D7 People involved in systems advocacy on health care (previously D21)
D8 People trained in systems advocacy about health care (previously D22)
D9 Oher (previously D23)

E1 Students have the education and support they need to reach their educational goals through Council efforts (combines E1 and E3)
E2 Infants and young children have the services/supports needed to reach developmental goals through Council efforts (same)
E3 Students transitioned from school to community and jobs (previously E4)
E4 Children transitioned from early intervention and pre-school to inclusive classrooms/schools (previously E5)
E5 People on waiting lists received services/supports (previously E6)
E6 Dollars leveraged for education (combines E7 - E9)
E7 Education programs/policies created/improved (combines E10 and E11)
E8 Post-secondary institutions improved inclusive education (previously E12)
E9 Schools improved IEP practices (previously E13)
E10 People facilitated inclusive education (combines E14 and E15)
E11 People trained in inclusive education (combines E16 and E17)
E12 People involved in systems advocacy about inclusive education (previously E20)
E13 Parents trained regarding their child's educational rights (previously E21)
E14 Other (previously E22)

F1 Individuals are valued, participating members of their communities through Council efforts (combines F01 and F02)
F2 People on waiting list(s) received services/supports (previously F3)
F3 Dollars leveraged for community inclusion (combines F04 and F05)
F4 Community inclusion programs/policies created/improved (combines F06, F07 and F09)
F5 Programs included appropriate managed long-term services/supports (previously F08)
F6 Buildings/public accommodations became accessible (previously F10)
F7 People facilitated community inclusion and participation (combines F11 and F12)
F8 People trained in community inclusion and participation (combines F13 and F14)
F9 People trained to plan/prepare for managed long-term supports (previously F17)
F10 People active in systems advocacy about community inclusion and participation (previously F18)
F11 People trained in systems advocacy about community inclusion and participation (previously F19)
F12 People educated about managed long-term supports (previously F20)
F13 Other (previously F22)

G01 Public policymakers educated by Council about issues related to Council initiatives (combines A22, B17, C18, D19, E18 and F15)
G02 Copies of products distributed to policymakers about issues related to Council initiatives (combines A23, B18, C19, D20, E19 and F16)
G03 Members of the general public estimated to have been reached by Council public education, awareness and media initiatives (combines A27, B21, C22, D23, E22 and F21)