United States District Court - Southern District of Illinois

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Jury Information

Welcome to the Federal Jury Service

You have been selected to serve as a juror for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.  In addition to the information found below on this page, you can search the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for help.

Serving as a juror is a fundamental obligation we all share as citizens of the United States. Only by having persons like yourself participate in the process can we ensure that all persons in the federal court will be afforded the constitutional right to have their case heard by a jury of their peers. We appreciate your willingness to accept this responsibility.

How You Were Selected:
Your name was selected randomly from the list of registered voters or driver's license list in the county where you live. Jurors in this district are drawn from 38 neighboring counties.

Jury Summons and Qualification Questionnaire:
Your summons date and courthouse address are on the front of the form that you received. You must complete the questionnaire and return it within ten days of receipt to the Clerk's Office in the envelope provided.

Term of Service:
You will be on call for one (1) month. An average trial lasts 1-3 days, but some may be longer. Court is usually in session from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 P.M.

Coffee will be provided. A snack room is available on the first floor of the courthouse. A refrigerator and microwave are available for your use. A list of area restaurants will be available to the jury assembly room.

Directions to the Courthouse: Benton or East St. Louis

Benton jurors may park free of charge in the parking lot east of the courthouse.

East St. Louis jurors may park free of charge in the assigned parking lot.

Juror Check-In:
Jurors who are called to court to serve must report to the jury clerk on entry to the courthouse. A photo ID is required for entry into the courthouse. Please be prompt. NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONTIC DEVICES ARE ALLOWED IN THE COURTHOUSE.

Payment to Jurors:
You will receive a $40.00 attendance fee and 55 cents a mile for travel to the courthouse and return, effective 2/1/2009. Your checks will be mailed to you within one month of service.

Taxability of Attendance Fees:
At the end of the tax year, a Form 1099 will be sent to those jurors who have received $600 or more in attendance fees. This form will be received by January 31. Questions regarding taxability of attendance fees should be referred to a qualified tax advisor.

Attendance Certificates:
You will receive an attendance certificate for each day that you report for jury service.

Recorded Message:
The 866 number on your summons is important. You must call this number on the weekend prior to your summons date. Specific information on reporting will be given to you at that time.

Request for Excuse:
Grounds for permanent excuse are self explanatory on the questionnaire. All requests for excuse due to health must be accompanied by a statement from your physician. Please attach all correspondence to your questionnaire. Requests will be granted or denied within three weeks of receipt.  All requests for excuse must be in writing. You may call the 866 number on your summons for the status of your request.

Long Distance Travel:
If the distance that you travel to the courthouse is more than 60 miles, you are authorized to travel the evening before and you will receive a subsistence fee of $109 per stay.

Failure to Report:
Jurors who fail to report and who are not excused may be served a show cause order by the U.S. Marshal. Contempt penalties can be from $100 fine to three days imprisonment, or both.

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750 Missouri Avenue
East St. Louis, IL 62201
301 West Main Street
Benton, IL 62812